Back to list Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Nick Winship

Date submitted
16 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

A complete monstrosity that wil denude farming land forever where it crosses causing huge impacts on people’s libihoods. The devastation in the devaluation of houses affected be in on their land near their land or in sight of their homes leaving them with little to pass on to Suicide rates in farming are at an all time high…this will push farmers to the end of their tether and I hold all of you involved in the horrendous scheme for those, and they will, that commit suicide because they will not be able to see past the loss of their grandparents//their generations of family farming lamd. I don’t suppose that will even prick your consciences???? generations, let alone anyone wishing to sell on, the majority of lenders will not lend on homes near pylons. The pathetic amount of compensation offered is by far the most insulting. It will never ever get people back to where they should be financially and that is wholly unacceptable. For those of you reading this that it won’t affect, give your heads a wobble and see how you would feel if you were out in that position?????? Your hard earned money poured down the drain Only options are off shore or underground cables. THRRE IS NO OTHER ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE WE DO NOT WANT THE MONSTROSITIES OF THESE PYLONS and we will do everything we can in our power to block them. This is going to cause a war. It’s that simple. The anger is so strong I don’t think you actually realise and we are not going down without a fight! What do we have to say to get through to you off shore or underground. That’s it!