Representation by Arthur Philip Wallis on behalf of Wallis Family (Wallis Family)
- Date submitted
- 17 June 2024
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
access routes to be taken directly off swan road not via the farmyard as this would be within 12yards off our residence.all joint bays and link boxes to be buried or located on field edges so as not to impede farming operations.countryside stewardship is in place on the affected land and we would expect to be penalised by any infractions so should be mitigated orcompensated for losses out off our control.noise pollution due to 24 hour drilling we woul expect acoustic fencing around the temporary construction compound due to adjacent dwellings.both projects being done at the same time to mitigate disrution.soil management more attention should be payed to protecting the soil and structure as this is fundermental to food production.cable depth a minimum off 1.2metres soil cover to provide sufficient clearance for land drainage infrastructure to allow for continued farming operations.offshore there has been work done to look at moving the cable route offshore this off course would be the best result for everyone and would remove the permanent scar off the landscape.