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Back to list Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm

Representation by Jayne Marshall

Date submitted
17 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the harm these proposals will create for the health and wellbeing of local communities, the environment and wildlife (to name but a few)! Even at this stage of the proposals, the worry and stress levels amongst residents are already escalating! The project is based on the assumption that National Grid will get the green light for the 180km Norwich to Tilbury (N2T) so called upgrade - by means of the construction of unnecessary, archaic methodology, menacing looking and non environmentally friendly pylons and of course, substations. There are much better options available, such as an integrated offshore grid (no.1) and High Voltage Direct Current [HVDC] (no.2), which have not been considered! As such, the whole scheme should be halted and ALL alternative methods returned to the drawing board for thorough investigation and discussion. I live in an area where agriculture and horticulture dominates and the land is best most versatile (BMV); a quality which is to be envied for it's ability to produce high yields of top quality food crops. It is vital for the UK to be as self sufficient as possible, especially during times of world conflict (such as now), where we shouldn't (and may not be able to in the future) be so reliant on foreign imports. We attended a Five Estuaries drop in session at Ardleigh Village Hall in 2022 and we're encouraged (having spoken with two marine biologists amongst the team) that Five Estuaries was looking at the possibility of an offshore connection. We were told that off the North of Scotland, where such a connection was already in place, marine ecosystems had been completely rejuvenated - from the smallest crustaceans to fish, seals and even dolphins! To be able to put your name to this and for the benefit of all, is truly commendable! I am totally supportive of Essex Suffolk Norfolk Pylons Campaign group [Redacted] and everything it stands for. There are many professionals in the group who really know what they're talking about - ALL options having been thoroughly investigated (including costings, which National Grid are not being transparent about!) and I would urge you please, to take the lead and consider these. In conclusion: An integrated offshore grid = FASTER, BETTER, CHEAPER! Keep Britain farming = NO FARMERS - NO FOOD! Thankyou