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Representation by Zoe Fairley

Date submitted
19 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a resident living in Horsley Cross and Tendring District Councillor Ardleigh and Little Bromley. My family farm in Little Bromley and Horsley Cross. Other family members, also have farms directly impacted by cable routes and associated construction. For my area, it is impossible to look at NG/FE/NF/Tarchon projects as individual developments. The location of Ardleigh/Little Bromley/Lawford village borders is the wrong place for such development. The traffic, road and construction impacts are unacceptable. NG/FE/NF will all require access along Bentley Road. The Tarchon Interconnector plans as yet, remain an unknown but will add further construction of an interconnector and route in the same area. There are many evidenced concerns for each project, both during and post construction, relating to impact on the environment, landscape, historic settings and listed buildings, loss of farmland, impact on farming businesses, on communities, rural amenity, drainage, well water, properties and health. Cumulative impacts lack clarity and harm of all works for Ardleigh/Little Bromley/Lawford borders, have not been properly assessed or considered. Roads will be unsafe for rural amenity purposes and safe access to the other side of the A120 will be cut off. People with horses locally use the surrounding roads for hacking, joining up with bridle paths and private routes such as EAFR for safe, enjoyable riding. Others use Bentley Road for running, walking and cycling. The widening of Bentley Road will make using this route impossible in terms of safety. The cycle lane is not suitable for safe use by horses when heavy traffic is going to be constant and access to other tracks for riding will not be possible. For other users the general peace and tranquillity will be gone for construction routes across Ardleigh/Little Bromley. The impact on the landscape, setting and character of the rural area, including Dedham Vale AONB/National Landscape, our historic environment and listed buildings will be severe and Treasury Green Book principles ignored. No reassurances given on many issues to alleviate peoples’ concerns. Stress, anxiety and effect on mental health ignored. There are serious concerns for road surfaces, flooding and water run off. Little Bromley has a high water table. Properties are reliant on cesspits and well water. Farming irrigation is from bore holes. No reassurances have been given. There are no answers why other, more technically advanced options, causing less overall harm, are not being considered. Impacts on landowners and harm to farming businesses is unacceptable. Continued lack of clarity within consultation. Insufficient information and time given to make reasonably considered business decisions. FE has only linked with North Falls where is has suited the projects rather than any consideration from the farmer’s perspective. At Little Bromley, archaeological digs were poorly executed. Soil reinstatement wrong, equipment movement licence not applied for. Is this a pre-curser for construction? Under the OCSS scheme FE/NF have said they would connect off shore. This must happen. There are alternative options which would avoid the need for Five Estuaries (and others) to introduce cable routes connecting to EACN.