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Representation by Anglian Water (Anglian Water)

Date submitted
21 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Five Estuaries - Anglian Water Relevant Representation (dated 21/06/24) Anglian Water (AW) is the sewerage undertaker for the proposed Five Estuaries project order limits. AW has engaged with Five Estuaries Offshore Wind Farm Limited (the Applicant) and there are on-going discussions regarding the interfaces between the project and our assets. Interfaces between the project and AW assets (underground and surface assets) AW owns and operates the sewerage infrastructure within the project area. In locations where the project intersects with AW assets, their protection and continuity of services to customers will be required. AW considers that the protection of existing network assets in and near the project site can be secured through Protective Provisions. AW’s template Protective Provisions were supplied during the Pre-Application stage and will need to be agreed and included in the draft DCO (Part 9) to ensure that such works are in accordance with these provisions. Any AW existing assets located within the application boundary will need to be identified in the Book of Reference (document ref. 4.1) also covering the details set out in the Obstacle Crossings Register (document ref. We have provided a response to the land interest questionnaire and further impacts on our below ground assets can be found via My Account ( Discussions are taking place between AW and the Applicant on these aspects to confirm, for example, any sensitive plant, open cut locations, access works, likely diversions any above ground plant and shared access locations. These documents will need to be amended accordingly as these matters are agreed. Our intention is that agreement on these Protective Provisions and other matters will be covered by the bilateral Statement of Common Ground which is being progressed. Requirement for wastewater services for onshore infrastructure We seek clarification whether a connection to our wastewater network will be required for any of the TCCs and different project stages. We advise that early discussions should take place with our pre-development team regarding capacity of our network assets to accept wastewater flows from the proposed temporary construction compounds (TCC) sites. Details on the process for engaging with AW have been provided to the Applicant. Flooding and surface water The surface water drainage strategy whilst adhering to sustainable drainage principles should also take account of any impacts of surface water flooding from the construction of the cable route on our wastewater network. We would also seek to confirm whether surface water connections to our network are required (including from TCCs) to manage surface water flood risk. If this requires consideration of the use of the public sewer network to manage additional surface water flows, AW will need to be included as a consultee to the drainage strategy, including the relevant DCO Order for any discharge of requirements in relation to drainage plans and surface water discharge. Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) We welcome the submission of an outline CTMP. Whilst Protective Provisions should address those interactions with our assets, Anglian Water would seek to ensure that 24/7 access to our assets such as Water Recycling Centres (WRCs), and sewer pumping stations, is not compromised, and therefore would welcome further discussion with the Applicant regarding such matters and their inclusion in the final CTMP. For the TCC Beach Works AC-0, as shown in Table 3.1: Construction access points and TCCs and Drawing 3.1 Construction Access Points, TCCs and haul road crossings – 24-hour access is required by Anglian Water to the access to the Clacton-Holland Haven WRC located off Manor Way. It may be necessary for the pre and post condition surveys for Manor Way to be discussed with other 3rd parties, if the local highway authority (Essex County Council) is not the responsible for maintaining this road/ it is not adopted. These matters will need to be dealt with through the Statement of Common Ground. It is also noted that this proposed compound has significant underground AW pipe assets which cross the site from the WRC. These will need to be satisfactorily protected through the Protective Provisions. The final CTMP version should include steps to remove the risk of damage to any of AW’s assets from plant and machinery (compaction and vibration during the construction phase) including any haul and access roads and crossings.