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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.

Cyngor i Terling and Fairstead Parish Council

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Terling and Fairstead Parish Council
Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
27 Mai 2022
Math o ymholiad

Can you tell me if, as a statutory consultee we are limited to 500 words, according to File Note 8.2, there is no limit to words in submission, and according to another File Note, there is a limit to 1500 words. If we use the Registration process we are limited to 500 words. Can you tell me which is correct. Also where can I see the Terling documents already submitted to you. The Longfield page only shows Longfield dox and late submissions, so it looks as if we haven't submitted anything which we have. Your website is confusing, misleading and very difficult to understand.

Cyngor a roddwyd

Dear Frankie, Thank you for your email and your time on the phone earlier. I note the feedback you have given about the website and the clarity of information provided. In the past our guidance has suggested that parties should aim to limit their representation to no more than 500 words, but the online form will allow a successful submission of up to around 10,000 words. As stated in paragraph 6.6 of Advice Note 8.2 there is no limit on how many words may be used a representation. I can confirm that it is possible to provide the headlines of your representation on the form and indicate that this will be supported by a further document sent under separate cover, which you can submit to the project mailbox: before 2 June 2022. Please note that the two submissions would then be published as one document on the project webpage of the National Infrastructure Planning website in due course. As you may be aware, the submission of a valid Relevant Representation will ensure that you are registered as an Interested Party and as such you will be able to participate in the Examination. You will be able to submit a further Written Representation by the Deadline that will be set out in the Examination Timetable. This can expand on the matters included in your Relevant Representation. Responses provided during the consultation period at the Scoping Stage are included in the Scoping Opinion, which is published on the National Infrastructure Planning website. I can see that information was provided by your Parish Council and is included in that document alongside the information submitted by other consultees. Kind regards, Simon