Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
Concerns about the cumulative impact of North Falls and other similar projects not being co-ordinated strategically. Significant numbers of Offshore projects are being undertaken and these should be...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I am not sure how this project is worthwhile without an undersea distribution system; like a Nationwide ring-main for power distribution.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I EXHORT the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
It is a completely wrong decision to put pylons across our countryside. Apart from being ugly, they are more expensive than other ways of distribution of power.
It's ridiculous to put all these pillowns up and destroy our land scrape for ever easier and cheaper to go offshore
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I believe that it it would be far more cost effective and better for everyone’s health to put the transmission of electric power off shore rather than using pylons I would want an independent...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine extremely carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the...
Darllen mwy
I have strong things about this project as detailed below: "I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the...
Darllen mwy
The cummilative effect of this and other projects on the countryside, wildlife, homeowners and businesses in East Anglia
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
This project is part of a bigger (and unnecessary) plan that will destroy large swathes of East Anglia.
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
Please examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in our part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need for the project....
Darllen mwy
This is the wrong project in the wrong place. It will cause huge amounts of unnecessary damage to the Suffolk countryside and coastal areas. These projects should be built offshore and the power...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
Will ruin the countryside. Especially for local farmers who will loose valuable productive land with enormous damage with large lorries. We need the farm land to feed the large population we have.
"I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the...
Darllen mwy
I would urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the cumulative impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the alternatives which would reduce the harm while still meeting...
Darllen mwy
The cumulative impacts of the multiple proposed projects which will intersect out village in Little Bromley have not been considered by the project proposers. I am urging the inspectors to carefully...
Darllen mwy
I wish to see a strategic long term design for connecting offshore energy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
The Inspectors must be very careful to examine extremely carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed for the Ardleigh area of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm...
Darllen mwy
This project is linked to the pylon project across the whole of East Anglia. There are alternatives available which will not affect the countryside, environment or people's livelihoods I urge the...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
This is another example of the unsympathetic industrialisation of the County and other more agreeable (and arguably cheaper) options should be sought.
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the North Falls offshore wind farm consultation. This response relates to the services of the Growth & Environment Department, which also incorporates other...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
Having contributed already to a number of consultations, I would like to draw the inspectors attention of this project, and those of the Five Estuaries Wind Farm, Tarchon Interconnector, and National...
Darllen mwy
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still meeting the need...
Darllen mwy
The solution of generating more energy can be achieved more sustainably by coordinating the landing point at a brownfield site nearer to where the energy is needed. Please can you examine alternatives...
Darllen mwy
It is very important that the Inspectors must examine carefully the CUMULATIVE impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the ALTERNATIVES which would reduce the harm while still...
Darllen mwy
The widening of Bentley Road with the loss of ancient hedgerows and mature trees, mostly oaks. There are also alot young hedgerows that will be lost. The noise and dust pollution will make life...
Darllen mwy
Cumulative impact and functional interdependence. In this case, functionally interdependent projects include Five Estuaries Wind Farm, North Falls Wind Farm, Tarchon Interconnector and National Grid's...
Darllen mwy
The negative cumulative effect of the projects locally
I urge the Inspectors to examine very carefully the cumulative impact of the projects proposed in this part of East Anglia and the alternatives which would reduce the harm, while still meeting the...
Darllen mwy