22 January 2025 - Deadline 3
OpenDeadline 3 (D3)
For receipt by the ExA of:
Responses to ExQ1
Comments on the Applicant’s further update to the draft DCO and EM
Comments on the progress tracker / Statement of Commonality
Any other updated documents, including the Guide to the Application, and statements from the Applicant deemed necessary following responses at Deadline 2 (if required)
Comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 2
Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
3 February 2025 - Hearings
Week commencing Monday 03 February 2025 reserved (if required) for:
Further Issue Specific Hearings (if required)
Open Floor Hearings (of required)
18 February 2025 - Deadline 4
Deadline 4 (D4)
For receipt by the ExA of:
Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases (if required)
Applicant’s mid-Examination Progress Tracker / update to the Statement of Commonality
Mid-Examination Report on interrelationship with other infrastructure projects
Applicant’s update to the draft DCO and EM
Any other updated documents, including the Guide to the Application, and statements from the Applicant deemed necessary following responses at Deadline 3 (if required)
Comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 3
Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
27 February 2025 - Pulication by the ExA 3
Publication by the ExA of:
- Further Written Questions (ExQ2) (if required)
11 March 2025 - Deadline 5
Deadline 5 (D5)
For receipt by the ExA of:
Responses to ExQ2 (if required)
Any other updated documents, including the Guide to the Application, and statements from the Applicant deemed necessary following responses at Deadline 4 (if required)
Comments on any other submissions received at Deadline 4
Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning(Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
25 March 2025 - Publication by the ExA 4
Publication by the ExA of:
Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) and any associated questions (if required)
ExA’s commentary on, or schedule of changes to, the draft DCO (if required)
31 March 2025 - Hearings 2
Week commencing Monday 31 March 2025 reserved (if required) for:
- Further Hearings (if required)
15 April 2025 - Deadline 6
Deadline 6 (D6)
For receipt by the ExA of:
Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases (if applicable)
Comments on responses to ExQ2 (if provided)
Comments on the RIES (if provided)
Comments on the ExA’s commentary on, or schedule of changes to, the draft DCO (if provided)
Finalised Statements of Common Ground
Final Statement of Commonality/ Close of Examination Progress Tracker
Applicant’s Summary and Signposting document with summary of areas of disagreement
Summary and Signposting documents from Interested Parties regarding matters that they have previously raised during the Examination and have not been resolved to their satisfaction (if desired)
Final Report on interrelationship with other infrastructure projects
Final draft DCO to be submitted by the Applicant in the SI template with the SI template validation report together with final draft EM
Final Guide to the Application
Any other updated documents, including the Guide to the Application, and statements from the Applicant deemed necessary following responses at Deadline 5 (if required)
Comments on any further information/ submissions received by Deadline 5
Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
23 April 2025 - Close of Examination
The ExA is under a duty to complete the Examination of the application by the end of the period of six months