View examination library (PDF, 658KB) containing document reference numbers
Additional Submission from a non-Interested Party - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 138KB)
From Richard Gill
Rule 17 Letter Annexes A-C
(PDF, 149KB)
Rule 17 - Request for further information
(PDF, 144KB)
Issued by the Examining Authority – 23 January 2024
(PDF, 339KB)
From Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES)
Deadline 4 Submission - 3.3 Explanatory Memorandum - Rev 6 (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 4.6 Book of Reference - Rev 6 (Track)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 6.1.11 Chapter 11: Socio-Economics - Rev 4 (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions - Accepted at the discretion of the ExA
(PDF, 933KB)
From Historic England
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.6 Statutory & Non-statutory Historic Designations Plan - Rev 3
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.9 Outline Decommissioning and Restoration Plan - Rev 3 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment - Report - Rev 2 (Track)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 6KB)
From Schroders Greencoat
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.9 Important Hedgerows Plan - Rev 3
(PDF, 19MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Biodiversity Net Gain Calculation - Rev 4
(PDF, 4MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 5.2 Shadow HRA to Inform Appropriate Assessment - Rev 4 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.5 Water Bodies in a River Basin Management Plan - Rev 3
(PDF, 9MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.2 Works Plan - Rev 5
(PDF, 3MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Comments on submissions for Deadline 3
(PDF, 642KB)
From North Kesteven District Council
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 146KB)
From Environment Agency
Deadline 4 Submission - Applicant Response to the Examining Authority’s Second Written Questions
(PDF, 24MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 228KB)
From Forestry Commission
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.12 Outline Supply Chain, Skills and Employment Plan - Rev 3 (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 6.1.11 Chapter 11: Socio-Economics - Rev 4 (Track)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 6.1.4 Chapter 4: Proposed Development - Rev 5 (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.6a Statement of Common Ground with Boston Borough Council, North Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council - Rev 3 (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.6c Statement of Common Ground with Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board - Rev 2 (Clean)
(PDF, 781KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.5 Consents and Licences Required Under Other Legislation - Rev 3 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.3 Rights of Way Plan - Rev 4
(PDF, 10MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment - Report - Rev 2 (Clean)
(PDF, 3MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Statement of Commonality - Rev 3 (Clean)
(PDF, 917KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.1 Outline Design Principles - Rev 4 (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 4.4 Schedule of Negotiations with Statutory Undertakers and Landowners - Rev 6 (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 482KB)
From Boston Borough Council
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 123KB)
From National Grid Electricity Transmission and National Gas Transmission
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.8 Outline Landscape and Ecological Management Plan - Rev 5 (Clean)
(PDF, 13MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 4.4 Schedule of Negotiations with Statutory Undertakers and Landowners - Rev 6 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Supplementary Plan: Individual sheets showing isolated work areas for sheets 5, 6, 12, and 13 of the Works Plans - Rev 2
(PDF, 3MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 1.4 Guide to Application - Rev 7 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 6.1.4 Chapter 4: Proposed Development - Rev 5 (Track)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Cover Letter Deadline 4
(PDF, 794KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 194KB)
From North Kesteven District Council
Deadline 4 Submission - 4.6 Book of Reference - Rev 6 (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.8 Location and Order Limits Plan - Rev 3
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.11 Outline Energy Storage Safety Management Plan - Rev 3 (Clean)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Statement of Commonality - Rev 3 (Track)
(PDF, 923KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.7 Streets and Access Plan - Rev 5
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.10 Crown Land Plan - Rev 3
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 11MB)
From North Kesteven District Council
Deadline 4 Submission - ES Technical Note - Updated Information on Cumulative Projects - Rev 3 (Track)
(PDF, 5MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 3.1 Draft Development Consent Order - Rev 6 (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 589KB)
From North Kesteven District Council
Deadline 4 Submission - ES Technical Note - Updated Information on Cumulative Projects - Rev 3 (Clean)
(PDF, 5MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 339KB)
From Lincolnshire County Council
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.1 Land and Crown Land Plans - Rev 5
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Applicant Response to Deadline 3 Submissions
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.6a Statement of Common Ground with Boston Borough Council, North Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council - Rev 3 (Track)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 3.1 Draft Development Consent Order - Rev 6 (Track)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 5.2 Shadow HRA to Inform Appropriate Assessment - Rev 4 (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Schedule of Changes to the draft Development Consent Order - Rev 1
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 2.4 Statutory & Non-statutory Nature Conservation Designations Plan - Rev 3
(PDF, 10MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.5 Consents and Licences Required Under Other Legislation - Rev 3 (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 26KB)
From Network Rail
Deadline 4 Submission - 1.4 Guide to Application - Rev 7 (Clean)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.12 Outline Supply Chain, Skills and Employment Plan - Rev 3 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.6c Statement of Common Ground with Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board - Rev 2 (Track)
(PDF, 784KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - Responses to ExA’s second written questions
(PDF, 4KB)
From National Grid Viking Link Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.8 Outline Landscape and Ecological Management Plan - Rev 5 (Track)
(PDF, 13MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 3.3 Explanatory Memorandum - Rev 6 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.1 Outline Design Principles - Rev 4 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 4 Submission - 7.11 Outline Energy Storage Safety Management Plan - Rev 3 (Track)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Examining Authority’s Note of an Unaccompanied Site Inspection (USI2) - 08 January 2024
(PDF, 293KB)
The Examining Authority's second written questions and requests for information (ExQ2)
(PDF, 322KB)
Deadline 3 Submission - Written Summary of Applicant Oral Case at Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) on Tuesday 21st November 2023
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 3.1 - Draft Development Consent Order - Rev 5 (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - Applicant Response to Interested Parties First Written Question Submissions at Deadline 2
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 4.3 - Book of Reference - Rev 5 (Clean)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - Comments on submissions for Deadline 2 including responses to Written Representations
(PDF, 117KB)
From Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board
Deadline 3 Submission - 7.15 - Outline Soil Management Plan - Rev 2 (Clean)
(PDF, 27MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 7.9 - Outline Decommissioning and Restoration Plan - Rev 3 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 1.4 - Guide to Application - Rev 6 (Clean)
(PDF, 985KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 6.2.6 - Figure 6.2 Landscape Strategy Plan
(PDF, 9MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - Written summaries of oral submissions made at Hearings w/c 20 November
(PDF, 428KB)
From North Kesteven District Council
Deadline 3 Submission - 7.11 - Outline Energy Storage Safety Management Plan - Rev 2 (Clean)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 7.11 - Outline Energy Storage Safety Management Plan - Rev 2 (Track)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - Written Summary of Applicant Oral Case at Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) on Wednesday 22nd November 2023
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 7.15 - Outline Soil Management Plan - Rev 2 (Track)
(PDF, 27MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 7.8 - Outline Landscape and Ecological Management Plan - Rev 4 (Clean)
(PDF, 11MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - Interrelationship with other Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects - Rev 2 (Track)
(PDF, 13MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 7.12 - Outline Supply Chain, Skills and Employment Plan - Rev 2 (Clean)
(PDF, 862KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 1.4 - Guide to Application - Rev 6 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - Comments on submissions for Deadline 2 including responses to Written Representations
(PDF, 44KB)
From Boston Borough Council
Deadline 3 Submission - Comments on any further information requested and received by Deadline 2
(PDF, 77KB)
From Boston Borough Council
Deadline 3 Submission - 4.4 - Schedule of Negotiations with Statutory Undertakers and Landowners - Rev 5 (Track)
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - 3.3 - Explanatory Memorandum - Rev 5 (Track)
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - Comments on submissions for Deadline 2 including responses to Written Representations
(PDF, 158KB)
From Environment Agency
Deadline 3 Submission - Equality Impact Assessment
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - Comments on submissions for Deadline 2 including responses to Written Representations
(PDF, 106KB)
From Boston Borough Council
Deadline 3 Submission - Schedule of Changes to the draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - Cover Letter Deadline 3
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Deadline 3 Submission - ES Technical Note - Additional Ecology Information
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited