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Additional Submission - 4.1 - Statement of Reasons - V2 - TC - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Additional Submission - PreExA.Sch-DCO.s55.v1-Schedule of Change - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Additional Submission - - Appendix 4.1 - Cable Crossing Method Statement - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 596KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Additional Submission - - Appendix 9.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (including drainage strategy)_Part 1 - V2 - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 41MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Additional Submissions - 2.1 - Land and Crown Land Plan - V2 - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Additional Submission - 2.3 - Rights of Way Plan - V2 - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 9MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Additional Submission - 2.7 - Street and Access Plan - V2 - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Additional Submission - - Appendix 9.1 - Flood Risk Assessment (including drainage strategy)_Part 2 - V2 - TC - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 31MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Additional Submission - 7.10 - Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan - V2 - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 9MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Additional Submission - 3.3 - Explanatory Memorandum - V2 - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
Regulation 32 - Transboundary Screening
(PDF, 71KB)
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.10 - Confidential Figure 3 Ornithological Survey
(PDF, 109KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.6 Environmental Statement - Chapter 6 - Landscape and Visual
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.16 Environmental Statement - Figure 16.1 - Agricultural Land Classification Plan
(PDF, 541KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.8 - Energy Storage Transformer Elevation
(PDF, 436KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.6 Environmental Statement - Figure 6.2 - Landscape Strategy Plan
(PDF, 5MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.3 Environmental Statement - Figure 3.4c - Back Check and Review Site Option 3
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.13 - Indicative HDD Crossing Sections
(PDF, 459KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 14.2 - Automatic Traffic Count (ATC) Survey Data
(PDF, 3MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 16.2 - Agriculture and Soils Significant of Effect Methodology
(PDF, 476KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
4.3 Book of Reference
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.19 - Spares Container Elevations
(PDF, 412KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.23 - Fencing, Gates and CCTV Elevations
(PDF, 531KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 17.4 - Forge Solar Model (Fixed Panels - 20 degrees)
(PDF, 6MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.2 Environmental Statement - Figure 2.2b - Cumulative Sites - Shortlisted (Local Context)
(PDF, 4MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.3 Environmental Statement - Figure 3.4a - Back Check and Review Site Option 1
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.6 Environmental Statement - Figure 6.7 - Photomontages_Part 1
(PDF, 45MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.8 Environmental Statement - Figure 8.3 - Protected and Notable Species
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.18 Appendix 18 Statutory Consultation – Hearing your Views
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.20 Appendix 20 Further Consultation – Section 44 Letter to Newly Affected Landowners
(PDF, 5MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.0 Environmental Statement - Chapter 0 - Contents and Statement of Competence
(PDF, 755KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.2 Environmental Statement - Chapter 2 - EIA Methodology and Consultation
(PDF, 854KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
1.3 Application Form
(PDF, 17MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
2.7 Street and Access Plan
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.3 Environmental Statement - Figure 3.1 - Working Indicative Site Layout (Revision A)
(PDF, 7MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.3 Environmental Statement - Figure 3.4l - Back Check and Review Site Option 12
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
7.11 Outline Energy Storage Safety Management Plan
(PDF, 4MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.3 Appendix 3 Non-Statutory Consultation – Publicising the Consultation
(PDF, 3MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.7 - Scoping Out - Landscape Character Receptors
(PDF, 468KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.11 - Great Crested Newts - Energy Park and Cable Route Corridor
(PDF, 12MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.2 Shadow HRA to inform Appropriate Assessment
(PDF, 921KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
7.7 Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan
(PDF, 35MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
1.5 Navigation Document
(PDF, 558KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.8 Appendix 8 Draft Community Consultation
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
4.1 Statement of Reasons
(PDF, 9MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.1 Environmental Statement - Figure 1.3 - Energy Park Boundary
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 18.1- UXO Risk Assessment
(PDF, 8MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.15 Appendix 15 Statutory Consultation – All Consultation Materials (SoCC)_Part 2
(PDF, 12MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.17 Environmental Statement - Chapter 17 - Glint and Glare
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
2.5 Water Bodies in a River Basin Management Plan
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.23 Appendix 23 Further Consultation – Responses & How Ecotricity responded
(PDF, 539KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.24 Appendix 24 Mailing Zones
(PDF, 750KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4- Environmental Statement - Figure 4.26 - Bicker Fen Substation Extension
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.6 Environmental Statement - Figure 6.5b - Screened Zone of Theoretical Visibility - Substation Equipment with ESS and Proposed Viewpoint Locations Plan
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.15 Environmental Statement - Figure 15.1 - Air Quality Monitoring Locations in the vicinity of the Proposed Development
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 12.1 - Background Noise Survey
(PDF, 3MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.14 - Appendix 14 Statutory Consultation
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.10 Environmental Statement - Chapter 10 - Cultural Heritage
(PDF, 839KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1 Consultation Report
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.21 Appendix 21 Further Consultation – Section 44 Letter to Landowners Already Consulted
(PDF, 3MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.18 Environmental Statement - Chapter 18 - Miscellaneous Issues
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.5 Environmental Statement - Chapter 5 - Planning Policy
(PDF, 724KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.12 Environmental Statement - Chapter 12 - Noise and Vibration
(PDF, 793KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.8 Environmental Statement - Chapter 8 - Ecology and Ornithology
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 16.1 Farming Report Savills
(PDF, 4MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.1 Consultation Report - Appendix 1 - How the numbers are calculated
(PDF, 544KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.1e - Proposed Ecological Enhancements for Operational Energy Park
(PDF, 535KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.9 Environmental Statement - Figure 9.1 - Hydrology and Drainage
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
3.3 Explanatory Memorandum
(PDF, 719KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
2.2 Works Plan
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.6 Environmental Statement - Figure 6.3 - Landscape Character Plan
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.6 Environmental Statement - Figure 6.6 - Context Baseline Views_Part 4
(PDF, 18MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.15 Environmental Statement - Chapter 15 - Air Quality
(PDF, 695KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.4 - Solar Panel Elevations
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.7 -Energy Storage Inverter Elevation
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.9 Environmental Statement - Figure 9.2 - Superficial Geology
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.18 - Gatehouse Elevation
(PDF, 404KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.14 Environmental Statement - Chapter 14 - Transport and Access
(PDF, 942KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
2.8 Location and Order Limits Plan
(PDF, 13MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
2.9 Important hedgerows plan
(PDF, 14MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.15 Appendix 15 Statutory Consultation – All Consultation Materials (SoCC)_Part 1
(PDF, 26MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.8 Environmental Statement - Figure 8.4 - Phase 1 Habitat Survey
(PDF, 5MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 6.4 - Extract from National Character Area 46 The Fens
(PDF, 5MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.1 - Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
(PDF, 810KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 8.10 - Ornithological Survey
(PDF, 16MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.13 Consultation Report - Appendix 13 - Statutory Consultation - Publicising the Consultation
(PDF, 18MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.3 Environmental Statement - Figure 3.4e - Back Check and Review Site Option 5
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.3 Environmental Statement - Figure 3.6 - Environmental Designations Plan
(PDF, 3MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
1.4 Guide to the Application
(PDF, 584KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 1.3 - Natural England Scoping Response
(PDF, 14MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.1.11 Environmental Statement - Chapter 11 - Socio-Economics
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.9 Environmental Statement - Figure 9.3 - Bedrock Geology.
(PDF, 2MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
- Environmental Statement - Appendix 1.1 - Heckington Fen Solar Park Scoping Report
(PDF, 12MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
2.4 Statutory Non-statutory Nature Conservation Designations Plan
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From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.2 - Indicative Drill (or similar technology) Locations
(PDF, 4MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.21 - Central Control Building
(PDF, 412KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.4 Environmental Statement - Figure 4.25 - Access Track
(PDF, 413KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.3 Environmental Statement - Figure 3.4b - Back Check and Review Site Option 2
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
6.2.3 Environmental Statement - Figure 3.4i - Back Check and Review Site Option 9
(PDF, 1MB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited
5.1.10 Consultation Report - Appendix 10 - List of ‘Hard to Reach Groups’ provided by North Kesteven District Council
(PDF, 431KB)
From Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited