
All project updates

24 June 2024

Responses to the Secretary of State's consultation letter dated 7 June 2024 have been published.

View the responses

7 June 2024

The Secretary of State has issued a letter dated 7 June 2024 (PDF, 135KB) to the Applicant and other parties, requesting information. The deadline for response is 23:59 on 21 June 2024.

9 May 2024

The recommendation by the Examining Authority has been sent to the Secretary of State.

21 February 2024

The Deadline 6 Submissions have been published.

The Examining Authority's notification of the completion of the Examination (PDF, 98KB) has been published.

The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

15 February 2024

The Deadline 5 submissions have been published.

The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

1 February 2024

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an Additional Submission from Richard Gill (PDF, 138KB).

The Examination Library (PDF, 554KB) has been updated.

25 January 2024

The Examining Authority’s request for further Information (PDF, 144KB) and Annexes A-C (PDF, 149KB) have been published. The Deadline for response is Deadline 5 (Tuesday 13 February 2024).

The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

19 January 2024

The Deadline 4 submissions have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 552KB) has been updated.

Parties are reminded that the Examining Authority may close the Examination before the end of the statutory six month period if it is satisfied that all relevant matters have been addressed.

10 January 2024

19 December 2023

The Examining Authority's second written questions (ExQ2) (PDF, 322KB) have been published. The Deadline for responses is Deadline 4: Tuesday 16 January 2024 (unless otherwise stated).

8 December 2023

The Deadline 3 submissions have been published.

The Examination Library (PDF, 528KB) has been updated.

24 November 2023

The Examining Authority’s Action Points arising from the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (PDF, 96KB), Issue Specific Hearing 3 (PDF, 140KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 4 (PDF, 155KB) have been published.

The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

23 November 2023

The recordings and transcripts of the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing and Issue Specific Hearing 3 held on 21 November 2023 and Issue Specific Hearing 4 held on 22 November 2023 have been published.

The Examining Authority has also exercised its discretion to accept an Additional Submission (PDF, 253KB) from Natural England.

The Examination Library (PDF, 439KB) has been updated.

22 November 2023

Issue Specific Hearing 4 has now closed and will not be continuing on 23 November 2023.

20 November 2023

Instructions have been sent to those who have registered to participate in the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing and Issue Specific Hearing 3 on 21 November 2003 and Issue Specific Hearing 4 on 22 November 2023 (continuing on 23 November 2023 if required). Anyone who wishes to observe the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing, Issue Specific Hearing 3 and Issue Specific Hearing 4 in real time should use the following link

Please note that the events will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

The Agendas for the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (PDF, 162KB), Issue Specific Hearing 3 (PDF, 160KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 4 (PDF, 117KB) have been published.

13 November 2023

The Examining Authority's Agendas for the Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (PDF, 162KB), Issue Specific Hearing 3 (PDF, 160KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 4 (PDF, 117KB) and itinerary for the Accompanied Site Visit (PDF, 416KB) have been published

The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

10 November 2023

The Deadline 2 submissions have been published.

The Examining Authority has also exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from Witham Fourth District Internal Drainage Board (PDF, 259KB).

The Examination Library (PDF, 426KB) has been updated.

17 October 2023

The Examining Authority's written questions (ExQ1) (PDF, 388KB) have been published. The Deadline for responses is Deadline 2 (Tuesday 7 November 2023).

5 October 2023

Deadline 1 submissions have been published

The Examining Authority's request for further Information (PDF, 114KB) from the Applicant, North Kesteven District Council, Lincolnshire County Council, Boston Borough Council and the Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board has been published. The Deadline for response is Deadline 2 (7 November 2023).

The Examination Library (PDF, 371KB) has been updated.

Please note that the following date reserved for a hearing in the Examination Timetable is no longer required and the event has now been cancelled:
20 November 2023 – Open Floor Hearing

26 September 2023

The following documents have been published:

The Examination Library (PDF, 342KB) has been updated.

26 September 2023

The Examination Timetable (Rule 8 letter) has been sent to Interested Parties.

Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting.

21 September 2023

Video recordings and transcripts from the Preliminary Meeting and Issue Specific Hearing 1 on the Draft Development Consent Order held on Tuesday 19 September 2023 have been published. Video recordings and transcripts from the Issue Specific Hearing 2 on the scope of the development and environmental matters held on Wednesday 20 September 2023 have been published.


The Examining Authority has also exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from:


The Examination Library (PDF, 342KB) has been updated.

19 September 2023

The Preliminary Meeting, Issue Specific Hearing 1 and Issue Specific Hearing 2 will be taking place in the Nineteen33 Function Suite 1, Boston United Football Club, Pilgrim Way, PE21 7NE during the week commencing Monday 18 September 2023.

Agendas for the Preliminary Meeting (PDF, 513KB), Issue Specific Hearing 1 on the Draft Development Consent Order (PDF, 140KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 2 on the scope of the development and environmental matters (PDF, 148KB) have been published.

Joining Instructions for virtual attendance at the Preliminary Meeting, Issue Specific Hearing 1 and Issue Specific Hearing 2 will be provided in advance of the event.

A livestream of these hearings will be available at during each event. Please note that the event will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

19 September 2023

Preliminary Meeting takes place

19 September 2023

Examination begins

13 September 2023

The Preliminary Meeting, Issue Specific Hearing 1 and Issue Specific Hearing 2 will be taking place in the Nineteen33 Function Suite 1, Boston United Football Club, Pilgrim Way, PE21 7NE during the week commencing Monday 18 September 2023.

Agendas for the Preliminary Meeting (PDF, 513KB), Issue Specific Hearing 1 on the Draft Development Consent Order (PDF, 140KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 2 on the scope of the development and environmental matters (PDF, 148KB) have been published.

Joining Instructions for virtual attendance at the Preliminary Meeting, Issue Specific Hearing 1 and Issue Specific Hearing 2 will be provided in advance of the event.

A livestream of these hearings will be available at during each event. Please note that the event will start broadcasting LIVE when opened by the Examining Authority. If the Livestream does not initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the webpage.

7 September 2023

Submissions made for Procedural Deadline A on Tuesday 05 September 2023 have been published.

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from the Applicant in relation to a Change Application. The Examination Library (PDF, 318KB) has been updated.

The publication of Change Application documentation does not indicate that the change has been accepted by the ExA. A Procedural Decision whether or not to accept the Change Application will be included within the Rule 8 letter following the Preliminary Hearing.

The agenda for the Preliminary Meeting has already been published as part of the Rule 6 documentation (PDF, 513KB). The agendas for Issue Specific Hearing 1 on the Draft Development Consent Order (PDF, 140KB) and Issue Specific Hearing 2 on the scope of the development and environmental matters (PDF, 148KB) have now been published.

5 September 2023

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from the Applicant in relation to a Change Application. The Examination Library will be updated shortly.

The publication of Change Application documentation does not indicate that the change has been accepted by the ExA. A Procedural Decision whether or not to accept the Change Application will be included within the Rule 8 letter following the Preliminary Hearing.

The agenda for the Preliminary Meeting has already been published as part of the Rule 6 documentation (513KB, PDF). The agendas for Issue Specific Hearing 1 on the Draft Development Consent Order (140KB, PDF) and Issue Specific Hearing 2 on the scope of the development and environmental matters (148KB, PDF) have now been published.

5 September 2023

The agenda for the Preliminary Meeting has already been published as part of the Rule 6 documentation (513KB, PDF). The agendas for Issue Specific Hearing 1 on the Draft Development Consent Order (140KB, PDF) and Issue Specific Hearing 2 on the scope of the development and environmental matters (148KB, PDF) have now been published.

21 July 2023

The Examining Authority has also exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from:

The Examination Library (PDF, 321KB) has been updated.

21 July 2023

The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) has been sent.

The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.

20 June 2023

The Examining Authority has written (PDF, 150KB) to the Applicants responding to the Applicant’s notification of Proposed Changes (PDF, 6 MB) to the Heckington Fen Solar Park Development Consent Order Application.

The Examination Library (PDF, 310KB) has been updated.

14 June 2023

Relevant representations published on the website

9 June 2023

Registration of interested parties closes

14 April 2023

Registration of interested parties begins

5 April 2023

The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from the Applicant in response to the s51 Advice issued at Acceptance.

These have been added to the Examination Library (PDF, 315KB).

13 March 2023

The application has been accepted for examination

15 February 2023

Application received by the Planning Inspectorate