Cynrychiolaeth gan David John Bowler
- Dyddiad cyflwyno
- 16 Mai 2023
- Cyflwynwyd gan
- Aelodau'r cyhoedd/busnesau
Dear Sirs / Mesdames OBJECTION - Heckington Fen Solar Park EN010123 Objection because of loss of top grade agricultural land gross over industrialisation of the area and severe traffic impacts on local residents and unsuitable roads. We hereby OBJECT to the above application on the basis that the project is partly on top quality agricultural land against government and Lincolnshire County Council Policy. There is also gross overbearing industrial development of the area with a huge and repeatedly expanding electricity sub station thirteen wind turbines two interconnectors and numerous other industrial solar panel developments. This is destroying the area as an agricultural high quality growing area needed for food security which is being systematically destroyed. We cannot import all our food and the destruction of high grade agricultural land must stop. In addition to the above which will generate vast volumes of traffic and pollution there is the ongoing expansions of the existing National Grid sub station listed below (so far) 1. Heckington Fen solar panels 2. Temple Oaks solar panels 3. Viking Link interconnector 4. Vicarage Drove Solar Panels 5. Red House Farm solar panels (possible) 6. Beacon Fen ( 2 schemes) solar panels 7. Bicker Fen solar panels 8. Any other similar schemes to come. All these expansions of the National Grid substation will involve large volumes of their traffic using Cowbridge Road Bicker. This is on top of this road being used for traffic by 2 4 6 7 plus others not yet known. These levels of traffic are impossible for Cowbridge Road to accommodate. The road which is in a terrible condition is three metres wide with no pavements and no passing places. Therefore traffic trying to pass has to use the grass verges causing seas of mud and damage. As one example during the construction of the substation the water supply in the area was broken 57 times by heavy traffic on the verges. This can be checked with Anglian Water. This left local people and businesses without water for up to 3 days at a time and never did National Grid (NG) provide bowsers or bottled water. Cowbridge Road (and other roads through and around Bicker) have been classified by Boston Borough Council as unsuitable for construction traffic. This was advised to the Planning Inspectorate at the time of the Triton Knoll scheme planning application. Several construction schemes (Triton Knoll and Viking Link interconnectors ) have avoided Cowbridge Road and constructed new roads off the A17 and A52 for their traffic. NG has just ignored the directive and we are told that Boston Borough Council has no money to take on NG. Planning conditions imposed on NG over the last twenty years have been violated hundreds of times with no enforcement action taken for any violation . [REDACTED}. [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. [REDACTED]. The road has agricultural traffic horseriders walkers local traffic cyclists and is part of the Brown Fen Waterways Trail. I have to use the road for my mobility scooter which means that if the latest Official Highways Code is followed vehicles cannot pass. Local residents have suffered years of diesel / petrol fumes clouds of dust (or mud when wet) shocking noise (exacerbated by the condition of the road) vibration and sleep deprivation. This has caused severe illness in all the Cowbridge Road properties. What we have suffered contravenes Health and Safety legislation and Human Rights Act sections. We cannot be expected to suffer years more of abuse and NG must be instructed to use either the Triton Knoll road off the A17 or the Viking Link road off the A52 for their repeated expansions construction traffic. Whilst this will increase the distances somewhat it will avoid the abuse of residents which is not an unreasonable request. Therefore as part of any planning permission NG must be required to use one of the alternative routes other than Cowbridge Road for all their traffic. Local residents are entitled by current laws relating to Health & Safety and Human Rights to protection from abuse by National Grid plc and their contractors. Yours faithfully Mr DJ & Ms HP Bowler