Representation by Sir John Hayes MP
- Date submitted
- 9 June 2023
- Submitted by
- Members of the public/businesses
Dear Sirs Heckington Fen Solar Park Although this application just falls outside my constituency I am extremely concerned about the proposal and the impact it will have on South Lincolnshire. This proposal will see prime agricultural land removed from food production at a time when recent events have reminded us of the vital importance of food security. It is so important that farming land such as this site remains in production to ensure that food prices remain affordable and we can continue to feed our nation. This application could affect the viability of the business that currently farms the land with the possibility of job losses affecting the local economy. This proposal will have a detrimental impact on the Fenland landscape and local amenity changing the character and nature of the surrounding environment forever. I would be grateful if you could treat my letter as a formal objection to this proposal. Yours sincerely The Rt Hon Sir John Hayes CBE MP South Holland and The Deepings