Heckington Fen Solar Park

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1 to 26 of 26 representations, newest first.

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  • Christopher Hinge

    I want to be kept informed of all planning applications and all subsequent changes to the planning application regardless of what they are. There have been changes to the original application which... Read more

  • National Grid Ventures (National Grid Ventures)

    Viking Link Ltd has cable rights running through the site. As Nationally Significant Infrastructure, we will require any works within proximity of Viking Link to be submitted to National Grid Ventures... Read more

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission)

    Thank you for consulting the Forestry Commission. The Commission is a non-statutory consultee on developments on or within 500m of ancient woodland. As a Government department we neither support nor... Read more

  • NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board)

    NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board would like to thank you for sharing the consultation and notes the work but do not have any comments to make at this time.

  • Schroders Greencoat (Schroders Greencoat)

    The Heckington Fen Solar Park would be developed on the area of a wind farm owned (in majority) by Schroders Greencoat. We shall ensure that Heckington Fen Solar Park development is not detrimental to... Read more

  • Ryan Beveridge

    Will be considering the topics and Mitigations proposed on the following subjects: Baseline studies Construction noise Construction traffic local network Construction traffic A17 Construction... Read more

  • Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board (Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board)

    The project lies within the Black Sluice IDB District. The Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board (the Board) is an independent authority constituted under the Land Drainage Act 1930, with duties “to... Read more

  • Christopher George Barlow

    Some of the land proposed for this use is high grade agricultural land. This application is one oseveral currently under consideration with more on the way. Who is overseeing this significant change... Read more

  • Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust)

    The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust are concerned with the lack of a strategic approach among the solar energy industry with regard to the volume of PV sites across the county. We routinely consult with... Read more

  • Boston Borough Council (Boston Borough Council)

    Summary comments. The solar park is located within North Kesteven District and the eastern boundary of the site runs along the Borough / District boundary. The Borough has residents that are about... Read more

  • Matthew Stephen Birch

    Negative impact on biodiversity, and rights of way.

  • David John Bowler

    Dear Sirs / Mesdames, OBJECTION - Heckington Fen Solar Park EN010123 Objection because of loss of top grade agricultural land , gross over industrialisation of the area, and severe traffic impacts on... Read more

  • Jacobs U.K. Limited (Jacobs U.K. Limited) on behalf of Anglian Water Services Limited (Anglian Water Services Limited)

    Anglian Water Services Limited (Anglian Water) is the statutory undertaker for water and sewerage services in the application area. Jacobs U.K. Limited is supporting Anglian Water as an Interested... Read more

  • Amber Hill Parish Council (Amber Hill Parish Council)

    Feedback following on from Amber Hill Parish Council Meeting on 15th May 2023 Following on from discussion around information received the Councillors resolved that their response still stands with... Read more

  • Addleshaw Goddard LLP (Addleshaw Goddard LLP) on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)


  • National Gas Transmission Plc (National Gas Transmission Plc)

    Relevant Representation of National Gas Transmission Plc in respect of the Heckington Fen Solar Park DCO (the “Project”) This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of National Gas... Read more

  • The British Horse Society (The British Horse Society)

    The response below is from the British Horse Society however our volunteers in the county may also respond. The British Horse Society is the UK’s largest equestrian Charity, representing the UK’s 3... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    The Environment Agency (“the Agency”) has reviewed the Development Consent Order (“the DCO”) application, the Environmental Statement (ES) chapters and supporting documents relevant to environmental... Read more

  • Lincolnshire County Council (Lincolnshire County Council)

    Lincolnshire County Council (LCC), as a host authority, wishes to register as an Interested Party in connection with the Heckington Fen Solar Park as the development lies within our administrative... Read more

  • National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc)

    Relevant Representation of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc in respect of the Heckington Fen Solar Park DCO (the “Project”) This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of National... Read more

  • North Kesteven District Council (North Kesteven District Council)

    Please see the attached letter (emailed to HeckingtonFenSolar@planninginspectorate.gov.uk on 8/6/23)

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Your Ref: ENO10123 Our Ref: 63313CIRIS Dear Sir/Madam, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project Heckington Fen Solar Park, PINS Reference EN010123 Registration of Interest Response Thank you for... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Historic England The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of the historic environment... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    The main issues raised by this application relate to Best and Most Versatile Agricultural Land and Protected Species. We consider further work is required to fully assess the extent of impacts to Best... Read more

  • Sir John Hayes MP

    Dear Sirs, Heckington Fen Solar Park Although this application just falls outside my constituency, I am extremely concerned about the proposal and the impact it will have on South Lincolnshire. This... Read more

  • CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP (CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP) on behalf of Triton Knoll OFTO Limited (Triton Knoll OFTO Limited)

    This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of Triton Knoll OFTO Limited (“TK OFTO”) requesting that it be treated as an Interested Party for the Examination of the DCO application for the... Read more