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Representation by Ridgeway Users (Ridgeway Users)

Date submitted
15 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Planning Inspectorate, I am a representative from the local community group called the 'Ridgeway Users'. I am writing to register to participate in the examination of an application for development consent relating to the Cory Decarbonisation Project. The Ridgeway Users have collaborated on work to enhance greenspaces in the local area including establishing a Thamesmead Pollinator Corridor funded by the Mayor of London. The proposals outlined in the Cory Decarbonisation Project will irreparably harm one of the most important and biodiversity rich greenspaces in the area, Crossness Nature Reserve that is enjoyed by thousands of local people each year. We feel that the mitigation offered by Cory will not offset any losses to the biodiversity and could result in subsequent degradation of other adjoining greenspaces including the Ridgeway and a reduced quality of life for local people. Additionally, we feel that the proposers have not given due consideration building on brownfield/ light industrial sites surrounding the existing power stations. Kind regards, Uy @RidgewayUsers