Back to list Cory Decarbonisation Project

Representation by Alex Illsley

Date submitted
19 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to object to this project as a resident in Belvedere and as member of the Crossness Nature reserve for the following reasons. As of 19th of May , there is 2,659 signatures on the petition stop Cory Energy building on Crossness Nature Reserve  . Its very clear from this petition that the community (local residents and nature reserve users) really do not want this facility built on Crossness Nature Reserve. The cumulative impact of riverside 1 and riverside 2 and the decarbonization plant  will  visually and physically impact  the environment too much for local residents, nature reserve users and nature itself such as barn owls.  I understand this is rare marshland Cory plans to build on.  An increase from Cory of 1 chimney stack (Riverside 1) to 5 chimney stacks across three sites (Riverside 1, Riverside 2 and the Carbon project) , is visually distasteful and will reduce enjoyment of the area. Consideration for Townscape and the impact this facility will have has been neglected. It will make the residents in Belvedere , Abbey Wood and Rainham feel surrounded by ugly industrial structures. Post codes such as [redacted] only 1.5 miles away were not notified by postal mail, this is in upper belvedere on a hill where the  proposed facility will be visible from. There will be many other areas such as abbey wood and rainham who's residents will also have not been notified and yet will probably see these chimney stacks too. I enjoy walking around the nature reserve , the Thames path and the surrounding area, these new structures would reduce the enjoyment and amenity of the area significantly. I hope that you consider not to build this facility on the nature reserve and fully consider the visual impacts and physical impacts to nature, and reduction to enjoyment in the area.