Back to list Cory Decarbonisation Project

Representation by Andrew Deaves

Date submitted
23 May 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There are a number of objections I wish to raise about this project, as follows; This list is not exhaustive. 1. I object to the proposed project being built on land which has a 106 order attached to it. The land in question is 12% of the current Crossness Nature Reserve which has a wonderful diversity of flora and fauna, some of which is already being compromised by the construction of Cory's Riverside 2 construction. Giving due consideration to the fact there is a pre-existing suitable and sufficient brownfield site close to Riverside 1, this land would be far more appropriate to repurpose by Cory. 2. The project will require the removal of pre-existing grazing marshland, ditches, dykes and natural watercourses which have been part of the Erith and Bexley landscape for hundreds of years. With the challenges global warming and climate change is presenting the UK with significantly increased rainfall year on year, retaining this existing marshland is even more significant to retain. 3. The size of project itself will have a significant and detrimental effect on the existing natural landscape being immediately adjacent to the nature reserve and adjacent metropolitan open land. The project will have the visual appearance of an oil refinery with all the associated vibration, noise, light and air pollution during its construction and operation. These effects will be irreversible.