Back to list Cory Decarbonisation Project

Representation by Leslie Clark

Date submitted
3 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Crossness Nature Reserve is a unique piece of nature, providing a safe haven for rare and endangered wildlife, and a serene space to escape hectic London life. It is designated as a Local Nature Reserve, a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation and as Metropolitan Open Land. It is enjoyed thousands of times a year by nature lovers and the public. It is also a particularly popular spot for bird watchers. The proposal will result in: ? Significant loss of incredibly valuable nature reserve land; ? Irreversible damage to habitats and biodiversity; ? Harm to rare and critically endangered species including: ? Water Vole - the UK’s fastest declining mammal; ? Shrill Carder Bee - the UK’s rarest bumblebee; ? London’s only known pair of resident breeding Barn Owls - a Schedule 1 protected species; ? Frog Rush - a plant previously thought to be extinct in Kent; ? Linnet and breeding Skylark - GB red list species; ? Noise and visual impact that will heavily impact public enjoyment of the remaining nature reserve land; ? Loss of historic grazing land used by the traveller community. There are alternative locations nearby, but Cory is ignoring them. It’s a clear case of private corporations putting profit before nature and the public good.