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Representation by Derek Alan Key

Date submitted
5 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a (redacted) year old nearing the end of life it would be easy to say I do not care what happens to the world and wildlife; it won't be anything to do with me for much longer. But I do care and so should every independently minded person. I believe Cory, who will be trying every trick in the book to convince the inspector, the government and the public that they are the good guys, including funding local Neighbourhood Watch Schemes, are just hoodwinking you. This is about money. They are owned by finance institutions interested only in making money. Victor Khosla, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of SVPGlobal,the fairly recent lead purchaser of Cory said: “When SVPGlobal first invested in Cory, we saw the opportunity strategically to reposition and operationally transform a company" whilst Alistair Ray, Chief Investment Officer of Dalmore Capital and on behalf of the Consortium, commented: “Cory Riverside Energy represents a unique opportunity to invest in a critical part of London’s waste infrastructure and we are very pleased with the outcome of the transaction". Presumably they bought it cheaply! The proposed scheme will not, as presented, be strategic in improving the environment of London as a whole but will be to its detriment. - but I can't prove that. Cory and their backer will undoubtably have their experts telling you what a fantastic scheme this will be - what do they care if one of the side effects during construction and beyond is to exterminate in the near locale the Shrill Carder Bee - The UK's rarest bumble bee. They have already, I believe on adjacent land blotted out nesting of the Little Ringed Plover - a rare breeding bird in the UK. Still I'm just an old man caring about the world but seeing it destroyed for money. Perhaps the inspector should quiz the company on the financial details of the scheme as well as the planning issues although some smart lawyer acting for Cory will probably say this is outside of the scope of the enquiry. Having had some experience in finance and politics in my younger days, I would love to know how many times the financial backers, Cory or any of their minions including high powered solicitors have entertained politicians at both a national or local level on the matter in the past.