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Representation by Dartford Borough Council (Dartford Borough Council)

Date submitted
12 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dartford Borough Council (DBC) consider that the main harms likely to arise from the proposed development relate to the construction phase. DBC note that traffic generation from operation of the facility is likely to be low and therefore raises no concerns. Due to its location on the strategic network, in particular the Dartford Crossing, Dartford already suffers from significant traffic levels and congestion and associated Air Quality impacts this scheme will add to that situation. DBC consider that impacts of construction related traffic on Jct 1a of the M25/A282 (adjacent to the Dartford Crossing) and the operation of the Bob Dunn Way section of the A206 and the Craymill Bridge which is a significant highways/traffic constraint, should be considered. Whilst DBC are aware that Bexley have aspirations for improvements to the Craymill Bridge, there is no scheme in place or timeline for these works. These traffic impacts at construction stage should in DBC’s opinion be assessed and where necessary mitigation provided to reduce peak hours movements. DBC would point out that previous studies on traffic in the area have shown that peak traffic hours in this area extend well beyond a typical rush hour period and are acknowledged as being from 7am to 9am and 4pm to 7pm. Related to traffic impacts are the consequent impacts on Air Quality. Increase traffic which has the potential lengthen queues and congestion results in worsening air quality on Dartford and can impact on the wider road network and Dartford town centre where traffic diverts from the strategic routes. Traffic travelling east/west along the A206 and into Dartford will travel into a designated Air Quality Management Area. There do not appear to be measures proposed to reduce impacts on these areas, and in particular measures to prevent any construction vehicles from travelling along Burnham Road and through Dartford Town Centre (unless that is their origin). In fact, the Framework travel plan refers to the potential for HGV’s to route along Burnham Road and through the Town Centre. This routing is unacceptable to DBC due to sensitive receptors along the road and within the town centre and additional through traffic will add to the congestion and queueing vehicles in the town centre. Dartford Town Centre is a priority area for the Borough Council in the newly adopted Local Plan with plans for significant levels of new housing to meet housing need but also to facilitate the regeneration and transformation of the town centre. Additional through traffic diverting through the town centre will undermine these aims and could contribute to poor air quality for existing and new residents.