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Representation by Gill Hickman

Date submitted
13 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned about the loss of biodiversity and wildlife habitats in this country and how this loss is contributing to climate change. Crossness Nature Reserve (CNR) is a wonderful wetland habitat that supports many rare and valuable species and helps prevent flooding. The Nature Reserve CNR provides a beautiful and peaceful space for local community members to enjoy. Their health and well-being is supported by spending time in nature. Thames Water have had a legal responsibility, since 1994 to "manage and enhance this wetland site for 99 years" This agreement would be broken if the development goes ahead. Another big concern is to do with the Carbon Capture storage element. I understand that Carbon Capture technology is still in development and has not yet been proven to store carbon in the quantities stated in the Cory’s proposal. The proposed development would seriously threaten the habitats of many rare species, would affect the well-being of the local community, and the carbon capture element although it may sound good on paper, it could be a hugely expensive mistake. In summary, for the reasons above, and for common sense, I believe this development should be stopped. Thank you for reading my comments.