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Representation by Carole Tolliss

Date submitted
16 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against Cory building their CCS facility on Crossness Nature Reserve. Their planning documents show alternative sites and I think one of these is more appropriate. We keep being told by knowledgeable people (eg Sir David Attenborough) that we need to help restore biodiversity yet Cory's preferred location will be taking habitat away from nature. I understand threatened species such as Water Vole live and use this particular area. I think it is important to raise awareness that it is not just the footprint area of the proposed location of the CCS facility that will impact Crossness Nature Reserve. Some of these proposed buildings are very tall and so the adjacent areas of the reserve, all the way along the perimeter of the CCS facility, will suffer from shading. This is obviously important for reptiles who need to bask and to plants. Please do consider the wider area of reserve that will be affected from the structures. Finally, I think Cory will be hard pressed to increase biodiversity by 10% if they are allowed to use the proposed mitigation land as it has already been used for mitigation by Peabody's predecessor. Cory should be forced to find another piece of land as mitigation. Thank you.