Back to list Cory Decarbonisation Project

Representation by Keith Ridler

Date submitted
16 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against Cory building their CCS facility on Crossness Nature Reserve because it is critical habitat for nature including endangered species such as Water Vole. Cory have shown in their planning documents they have alternative locations (eg the Iron Mountain site) but it appears they have selected Crossness Nature Reserve because it is the cheapest. Nature should not be seen as the cheap way out. I use the existing footpaths through the reserve and it is a wonderful place to walk considering how much industry is in the immediate area. From what I have read, Cory is suggesting the reserve should be opened up so the public have more access. I think this is a really bad idea - nesting ground birds will not tolerate being disturbed by humans and dogs. Cory have already shown they do not care for nature - protests were held about them building on their land because it supported nesting Skylarks. If you visit now you will find nothing but rubble from REP2 on this field. Also, from Cory's plans it appears the proposed structure is very tall, especially the chimneys. This is will adversely affect the views for local residents and totally change the look and feel of Crossness Nature Reserve when walking around the reserve. Finally, visitors to Crossness Nature Reserve (and its wildlife) will have to suffer the associated noise and air pollution during the construction phase, which I understand will take years. This disruption will be limited somewhat if Cory chose to build on one of their other site options, east of REP1 and REP2.