Back to list Cory Decarbonisation Project

Representation by Clare Margaret Cronin

Date submitted
16 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This project will have an impact on the quantity and diversity of wildlife in the Crossness nature reserve. Any further development will inevitably cause noise, disturbance and intrusion on nature. It will also have an impact on many local users of the reserve, who rely on it for exercise and viewing of wildlife - in particular birds - in the fields, the enclosed area and along the river bank. My partner and I consider the reserve an important resource for boosting mental health in a busy, polluted city. We live in Lewisham and have been visiting the Crossness reserve regularly for several years, and joined the enclosed area scheme a couple of years ago. The whole Crossness reserve is one of the most rewarding local areas for us to visit in terms of birdwatching, as it offers several different habitats - pasture, reedbed, river bank and so on. The proposed development would reduce the benefits of this reserve dramatically.