Back to list Cory Decarbonisation Project

Representation by George Edgar

Date submitted
16 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I want to express my opposition to the project. The Crossness Nature Reserve is a rich and important area for nature and wildlife and the project would remove more than 10% of it and inflict damage more widely. The proposed mitigation is nothing of the kind - the area proposed to replace the lost section of the nature reserve is already an important area for nature: it too needs to be preserved in its own right. It is ironic that what purports to be a green project on the part of Cory - a waste to enregy/ decarbonisation project - will directly damage an irreplaceable biodiversity resource. I strongly urge that Cory's application be refused, and that they be asked to find an alternative site for the project that is not in a nature reserve.