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Representation by Kelley Tolliss

Date submitted
16 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Although I am not local, I have family who live in Bexley and I have visited Crossness Nature Reserve. It is a beautiful, well managed place for people and wildlife and I know my sister (who does live locally) has enjoyed volunteering there. I cannot understand how a nature reserve, created under a section 106 order, with LNR, MSINC and MOL designations is under threat from the development of a carbon capture and storage facility. Irrelevant of how much wildlife this area of reserve currently supports (and I know it is a lot, including nationally endangered species) how can marsh land which is itself a huge carbon sink, be lost to an anthropogenic carbon capture facility? Surely it makes much greater sense to build it on a piece of commercial land? Especially as Cory have identified other sites in their planning application (eg compulsory purchasing the Asda or Iron Mountain sites). Has anyone calculated just how much CO2 this area of nature reserve captures and stores through natural processes?