Withdrawal of Cadent Gas Limited representations in respect of the DCO application
(PDF, 86KB)
O Cadent Gas Limited
The Examining Authority’s written questions and requests for information (ExQ1)
(PDF, 211KB)
Rule 8 - notification of timetable for the examination
(PDF, 266KB)
Preliminary Meeting Note - 21 February 2023
(PDF, 528KB)
Applicant’s response to the Examining Authority’s Rule 4, 6 and 9 letter dated 23 January 2023
(PDF, 247KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
9.1 - Applicant's Comments on Relevant Representations and Additional Submissions
(PDF, 905KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
Suggested ASI Locations
(PDF, 4MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
Examination Library
(PDF, 304KB)
O Examination Library
Note of Unaccompanied Site Inspection 1 – 31 January 2023
(PDF, 508KB)
Additional Submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 267KB)
O Natural England
draft Statement of Common Ground between SSE Slough Multifuel Limited (The Applicant) and Slough Borough Council – Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 290KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
Rule 6 letter - Notification of the Preliminary Meeting and matters to be discussed
(PDF, 340KB)
Certificate of Compliance with Regulation 16 Notice
(PDF, 143KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
Certificate of Compliance with Section 56 of the Planning Act 2008
(PDF, 425KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
Rule 4 Letter - Appointment of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 138KB)
Section 56 Notice
(PDF, 165KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
2.1 Draft Development Consent Order Revision 2.0 (Tracked) - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 390KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
2.2 Draft Explanatory Memorandum Revision 2.0 (Tracked) - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 435KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
5.1 Consultation Report Revision 2.0 (Clean) - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 42MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
1.2 Application Guide Revision 2.0 - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 732KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
Applicant's response to s51 advice and s55 checklist - Cover Email - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 288KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
2.1 Draft Development Consent Order Revision 2.0 (Clean) - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 419KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
2.2 Draft Explanatory Memorandum Revision 2.0 (Clean) - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 495KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
5.1 Consultation Report Revision 2.0 (Tracked) - Accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 3MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
Adequacy of Consultation Representation
(PDF, 310KB)
O Spelthorne Borough Council
Adequacy of Consultation Representation
(PDF, 143KB)
O Slough Borough Council
6.3.7 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 2.5 - Construction Compound and Off-Site Parking
(PDF, 2MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.10 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 10C - SSE Bat Survey Report
(PDF, 2MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.11 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 11 - Climate Change and Sustainability
(PDF, 667KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.14 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 14 - Summary of Environmental Effects
(PDF, 284KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
4.5 - Statutory or non-statutory sites or features of nature conservation plan
(PDF, 5MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
4.7 - Statutory and Non-Statutory Features of Historic Environment Plan
(PDF, 5MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.3 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 3 - Alternatives
(PDF, 333KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
5.5 - Grid Connection Statement
(PDF, 317KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
4.3 - Works Plans
(PDF, 462KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.5 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 5 - Consultation
(PDF, 295KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.10 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 4.3 - Residential Receptors
(PDF, 4MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.5 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 2.3 Proposed Project - Layout
(PDF, 1MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
2.1 - Draft Development Consent Order
(PDF, 380KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.7 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 9A - Noise Survey Results
(PDF, 477KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
4.8 - Water Bodies in a river basin management plan
(PDF, 4MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.1 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 - Non Technical Summary
(PDF, 1MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.3 - 2017 Slough Multifuel Planning Permission
(PDF, 8MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.14 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 10.1 - International Statutorily Sites within 15km
(PDF, 5MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.4 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 2A - Existing CEMP for Consented Development
(PDF, 4MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.4 - 2017 Further Development Planning Permission
(PDF, 468KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
2.2 - Explanatory Memorandum
(PDF, 428KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.4 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 4 - Existing Site Conditions
(PDF, 818KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.0 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 - Table of Contents
(PDF, 367KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.1 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 1.1 – Site Location Plan
(PDF, 3MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
4.1 - Site Location Plan
(PDF, 4MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
4.4 - Multifuel Facility Plan
(PDF, 4MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.8 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 10A - SSE Phase 1 Habitat Report
(PDF, 1MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
4.6 - Habitats of Protected Species Plan
(PDF, 287KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.11 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 4.4 - Environmental Receptors
(PDF, 5MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
5.7 - Planning Conditions and DCO Requirements Tracker
(PDF, 999KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.8 - 2022 Further Development Parking NMA
(PDF, 7MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.1 - 2014 Slough Multifuel ES NTS
(PDF, 28MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
4.2 - Land Plan
(PDF, 690KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.0 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 - Table of Contents
(PDF, 370KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
5.2 - Planning Statement
(PDF, 1MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.1 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 1A - Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping Report
(PDF, 12MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.12 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 12 - Other Issues
(PDF, 379KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.12 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 10E - Confidential Peregrine Falcon Assessment
(PDF, 45KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.6 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 8A - Technical Appendix AQA
(PDF, 1MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
5.3 - Statutory Nuisance Statement
(PDF, 410KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.5 - 2020 Section 73 Planning Permission
(PDF, 1MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.13 - Environmental Permit
(PDF, 2MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
1.1 - Application Cover Letter
(PDF, 191KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.9 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 4.2 - Site Setting (Aerial)
(PDF, 5MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.2 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 2- Proposed Project
(PDF, 570KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
1.2 - Application Guide
(PDF, 728KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.16 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 10.3 - Extended Phase 1 Habitat Map
(PDF, 193KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
5.4 - Other Consents
(PDF, 624KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.6 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 6 - EIA Methodology
(PDF, 551KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.13 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 8.2 Air Quality study Area – Ecological Receptors
(PDF, 4MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.2 - 2014 Environmental Statement Volume 1 - Main Report
(PDF, 116MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.3 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 2.1 - Proposed Project Site Boundary (Plan)
(PDF, 182KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.9 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 9 - Noise and Vibration
(PDF, 498KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.2 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 1B - Scoping Opinion
(PDF, 3MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.10 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 10 - Ecology
(PDF, 678KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.7 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 7 - Transport and Access
(PDF, 806KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.8 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 4.1 - Aerial Photo of Site (July 2021)
(PDF, 3MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.13 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 12A - Flood Risk Assessment
(PDF, 3MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.9 - 2022 Gatehouse, Silo Frame and Enclosure Permission
(PDF, 8MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
5.1 - Consultation Report
(PDF, 71MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.9 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 10B - No Significant Effects Report
(PDF, 601KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.12 - Slough Multifuel s.106 DoV (17 November 2020)
(PDF, 29MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
5.6 - Commitments Register
(PDF, 213KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
7.10 - 2022 Greenock Road Fence Planning Permission
(PDF, 8MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.17 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 13.1 - Other Developments
(PDF, 5MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.4 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 2.2 - Consented Multi Fuel Scheme
(PDF, 1MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.4.3 - Environmental Statement Volume 3 Appendix 1C - Statement of Competence
(PDF, 272KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
Section 55 - Acceptance of Applications Checklist
(PDF, 841KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
1.3 - Application Form
(PDF, 157KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
1.4 - Notices for Non-Stat & Stat Publicity
(PDF, 26MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.12 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 8.1 Air Quality Study Area – Health Receptors and Monitoring
(PDF, 5MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.2.0 - Environmental Statement Volume 1 - Table of Contents
(PDF, 496KB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.2 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 1.2 - Proposed Project Location (Aerial)
(PDF, 5MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited
6.3.6 - Environmental Statement Volume 2 Figure 2.4 - Proposed Project Access Plan
(PDF, 1MB)
O SSE Slough Multifuel Limited