
All project updates

1 July 2024

The Relevant Representations have been published.

The Applicant has provided an updated Book of Reference (PDF,10MB), tracked changes version (PDF,11MB) and Schedule of Changes to the Book of Reference (PDF,4MB) which the Examining Authority has accepted as Additional Submissions

The Examination Library (PDF, 365KB) has been updated.

28 June 2024

The Relevant Representations have been published.

28 June 2024

The Applicant has informed the Planning Inspectorate that some persons with a legal interest in the land affected by the Proposed Development were not notified of the accepted application and were therefore not made aware of the period within which they could make a Relevant Representation.

The Applicant has now notified the omitted persons who have been allowed further time to make Relevant Representations. Anyone who has received the Applicant’s notification dated 26 June 2024 or 27 June 2024 and wants to make a Relevant Representation should please contact us at, or telephone 0303 444 5000.

26 June 2024

The Applicant has informed the Planning Inspectorate that some persons with a legal interest in the land affected by the Proposed Development were not notified of the accepted application and were therefore not made aware of the period within which they could make a Relevant Representation.

The Applicant has now notified the omitted persons who have been allowed further time to make Relevant Representations. Anyone who has received the Applicant’s notification dated 26 June 2024 and wants to make a Relevant Representation should please contact us at, or telephone 0303 444 5000.

14 June 2024

Registration for interested parties has now closed. The Relevant Representations will be available on the webpage shortly.

7 June 2024

Registration of Interested Parties begins.

You can now register as an Interested Party. The deadline to register is 23:59 on Thursday 13 June 2024.

If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 or email to request a paper form.

For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination.

You can check our step by step guide to find out more about having your say about a national infrastructure project.

The ExA has accepted the following as an Additional Submission from the Applicant: Migratory Collision Risk Modelling Annex.

30 May 2024

Registration of Interested Parties begins.

You can now register as an Interested Party. The deadline to register is 23:59 on Thursday 13 June 2024.

If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 or email to request a paper form.

For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination.

You can check our step by step guide to find out more about having your say about a national infrastructure project.

30 May 2024

The Examining Authority has accepted the following documents as Additional Submissions from the Applicant. These were provided as appendices to application documents submitted at Acceptance but were not immediately accessible and have now been provided as separate documents:

Benthic and Intertidal Ecology Volume 3 Appendices

Environmental Statement – Appendix 7.1 Physical Processes Technical Baseline

Ornithology Population Visibility Analysis Parameter Log

Offshore and Intertidal Ornithology Population Visibility Analysis Parameter Log

24 May 2024

Registration of Interested Parties begins.

You can now register as an Interested Party. The deadline to register is 23:59 on Thursday 13 June 2024.

If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 or email to request a paper form.

For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination.

You can check our step by step guide to find out more about having your say about a national infrastructure project.

The Applicant has informed the Planning Inspectorate that a statutory party to the Proposed Development were not notified of the accepted application and were therefore not made aware of the period within which they could make a Relevant Representation.

The Applicant has now notified the omitted party who have been allowed further time to make Relevant Representations. Anyone who has received the Applicant’s notification dated 23 May 2024 and wants to make a Relevant Representation should please contact us at or telephone 0303 444 5000.

2 May 2024

Registration of Interested Parties begins.

You can now register as an Interested Party. The deadline to register is 23:59 on Thursday 13 June 2024.

If you are unable to complete a registration form online and would like to register your interest, please call the helpline on: 0303 444 5000 or email to request a paper form.

For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination.

You can check our step by step guide to find out more about having your say about a national infrastructure project.

16 April 2024

The application by Total Energies and Corio Generation for the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind (Generating Station) has been accepted for examination. A letter notifying of the decision to accept an application for Examination for an Order Granting Development Consent (PDF, 162KB) has been published.

20 March 2024

We received the application on 19 March 2024.

The application documents will be published if the application is accepted for examination.

You cannot make comments on the application yet.

You will be able to register to have your say if the application is accepted. We will let you know when you can register to have your say.

Read more about the application process in our guidance

21 July 2023

This project has volunteered to take part in the NSIP Reform Early Adopter Programme, details of which are available in this news story published by the Planning Inspectorate

For further information about the programme please contact the Applicant, Total Energies and Corio Generation using the information available at the bottom of this page.