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Representation by Witham Fourth District Internal Drainage Board (Witham Fourth District Internal Drainage Board)

Date submitted
2 May 2024
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

We are an operating authority established in an area a of special drainage need in the Lincolnshire Fens, we have with permissive powers to undertake work to secure clean water drainage and water level management within drainage district. Our work involves supervising over all drainage and flood risk activities in our area and our work involves the maintenance of some rivers, drainage channels, ordinary watercourses, pumping stations and other critical infrastructure, facilitating drainage of new developments, the ecological conservation and enhancement of watercourses, monitoring and advising on planning applications and making sure that any development is carried out in line with legislation. This project will have a significant impact on our district, its land drainage infrastructure and management team. The planned capable route will intersect a number of privately owned and Board maintained ordinary watercourses and established agricultural land drain schemes. Supervising the flood risk and land drainage elements of this project will have a significant impact on the Board's recourses. Additional resource have to be employed to manage this supervising and consenting activity. Additionally, the Board's operations will also be affected out on site. Annually the Board maintain 700km of ordinary watercourse with tractors and excavators, the capable route site will cause an obstruction to the smooth running of our watercourse maintenance operations.