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Representation by South Holland Internal Drainage Board (South Holland Internal Drainage Board)

Date submitted
13 May 2024
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Farm Relevant Representation made to Planning Inspectorate by South Holland Internal Drainage Board 14th May 2024 Internal Drainage Board interest A part of the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project export cable corridor is within the Internal Drainage District (IDD) of the South Holland Internal Drainage Board (SHIDB, or the Board). The majority of this corridor lies within the IDD of other Drainage Boards, who will make separate representations to the Planning Inspectorate. SHIDB is the regulator for several elements of the proposed works which require consent as per the Land Drainage Act 1991, including the Board’s Byelaws. The Board is therefore an interested party due to the potential impact of the project on the Board’s ability to carry out its statutory functions relating to land drainage and reducing flood risk. Watercourse crossings The proposed export cable corridor will cross a small number of watercourses within the SHIDD. This includes crossings for the cables and for temporary access roads. Depending on the status of the watercourse (Board-maintained watercourse or not) and the crossing methodology (trenchless, trenched or temporary culvert), such works could require consent from the SHIDB either under Byelaw 10 or Section 23 of the Land Drainage Act, 1991. SHIDB has expressed its preference for bridges, rather than culverts, to be used for temporary watercourse crossings, as the former results in a lower impact on the natural environment. The applicant has acknowledged this and agreed to use bridges where possible. Future watercourse widening SHIDB intends to widen most arterial watercourses over the next 50 years, which could impact the Outer Dowsing project when using both overhead and underground cables. Surface water discharge The applicant intends to discharge surface water into watercourses during the construction phase. Where this occurs within the SHIDD into a watercourse which is not Main River, this would also require temporary consent from the Board under Byelaw 3. Land drainage Pre-construction land tiles are proposed to be laid to drain the land from the cable corridor into surrounding watercourses. SHIDB consent will be required; this will be applied for by the landowners rather than Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind. Development Consent Order – Protective Provision It is proposed that the Development Consent Order for Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project will disapply the Land Drainage Act 1991 and associated byelaws. Following discussions with the applicant, it has been agreed that a Protective Provision for the IDBs, including SHIDB, would be appropriate. We consider that such a provision may act to avoid conflict between the planning process and the Board’s regulatory regime and consenting process (as per the Land Drainage Act 1991 and the Board’s Byelaws) while assuring the Board that their interests and ability to undertake their statutory functions are safeguarded and subject to due consideration. Further, a Watercourse Crossings Management process has been drafted, to provide IDBs with a means to approve works as required. SHIDB considers that this document will assist all parties in the delivery of duly considered and timely approvals relating to land drainage and flood protection within the IDB remit. End.