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Representation by Birds On The Edge (Birds On The Edge)

Date submitted
13 June 2024
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Birds On The Edge (BOTE) partnership is a joint initiative between the National Trust for Jersey (NTJ), the Government of Jersey Natural Environment Department, and Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. BOTE would like to establish a reserve comprising a one kilometre mile stretch of coast between the Plémont and Creux Gabourel Headlands in northern Jersey in order to provide long-term benefits for auk species, and their habitats (the Plémont Seabird Reserve). This is discussed in detail in Document (Plémont Seabird Reserve Feasibility Study Report) submitted in support of the Outer Dowsing DCO application. The Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Project (the Project) has been liaising with us over the past two years regarding the creation of the Plémont Seabird Reserve and has provided assistance with the research on predatory control measures, which would greatly benefit seabird species including Guillemot and Razorbill. The Project has entered into an exclusivity agreement with NTJ with respect to the funding of the proposed Plémont Seabird Reserve project and with the intention to enable full establishment of the Reserve, should compensation for guillemot and/or razorbill be required to be delivered by the Project. The Project is currently funding a full time Project Officer role at NTJ who is progressing the planning of the reserve project.