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Representation by IOG North Sea Limited (IOG North Sea Limited)

Date submitted
13 June 2024
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

IOG North Sea Limited (“IOG”) is the Licence Administrator, Licence Operator, and a Licence Beneficiary, of UKCS Production Licence P2438 (Blocks 48/11c ‘ALL’ and 48/12b ‘ALL’) containing the Goddard gas discovery. IOG’s joint venture partner, CalEnergy Resources (UK) Limited, is also a Licence Beneficiary. The licence includes a commitment to drill an appraisal well on the Goddard gas discovery, prior to any decision by the Licence Beneficiaries to apply for development and production consent. The outline area of the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project overlies a significant portion of the licence, in particular, its southern and western extent, and the southern extent of the Goddard gas discovery. IOG wishes to build upon its existing relationship with the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project, and to reassert itself as a regional stakeholder and a neighbour to the project. IOG would like to highlight areas of interest or uncertainty with the proposed project. These are outlined below and are not exhaustive. These frame the overall risk themes that IOG wishes to manage, in collaboration with the project, whilst planning and executing the drilling of an appraisal well on the Goddard gas discovery, and the potential development of the Goddard field. Helicopter approaches to a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (“MODU”) Multiple helicopter approach paths are required to allow access to a MODU in varying weather conditions, and for emergency response, during the drilling of appraisal and development wells. We would appreciate consultation between IOG and the project, and potentially directly with IOG’s helicopter providers, to ensure MODU access remains unobstructed by project activity. Fixed Installations If the Goddard field is developed following development and production consent, IOG would wish to site any fixed installation optimally to allow efficient and effective drilling of any development wells. Vessel Traffic during Construction and Operations Well drilling, pipeline laying, and platform installation activities, are regularly serviced by construction, supply, emergency response and stand-by vessels. Careful coordination is required to ensure that any MODU or vessel activity remains unobstructed by project activity. Periodic pipeline and seabed surveys are required during the lifecycle of a gas field, and therefore, coordination is also required to ensure that these operations can continue unimpeded. Line of Sight Communications We would appreciate confirmation that any line of sight communication between any fixed installations and the chosen onshore gas terminal would not be obstructed by any individual wind turbines. Crossing and Proximity Agreements The appropriate crossing agreements may be required between IOG and the project should any of our respective future subsea infrastructure be crossed, for instance, gas export pipelines and umbilicals across inter-turbine (array) cables.