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Representation by Mrs Rachael bowles

Date submitted
16 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The impact upon local wildlife will be immense, destroying habitats of native orchids and flora. We have active deer whom live around here and there natural trails will be destroyed and food sources. Along with buzzards, barn owls etc The visual impact will be like living in a mirror, blinding to humans and our local birds will loose food sources. Along with birds getting injured from mistaking the panels as water. The natural habitat will never recover and become an industrial land once decommissioned. Our local farming communities will be destroyed. It is apparent those whose land is proposed to site the panels are large estates whom are using this to compensate for the loss of subsidies. I use affected land for livestock grazing and if this goes ahead I will have to sell all my livestock because I simply have no where to relocate my animals too! You state sheep can graze the grass species will change due to habitat destruction and do grass quality becomes less nutritional. As a consequence meat production is reduced impacting also upon animal health, So I will loose my livelihood. There are numerous brown field sites like RAF Scampton, Hemswell and land around West Burton than could be repurposed without the destruction of our precious local habitats. So far all correspondence we have received has been very big brother and quite bullying. The representatives in meetings have been poorly briefed prior to meetings and unable to answer simple questions about proximity to water courses for example. This hardy instills confidence. It is already impacting with our homes bring devalued, houses going up for sale and sales dropping through. Please when considering this application think about our livelihoods, destruction of our habitats and also the Sssi that they want to cut through near my village, it’s already starting to break our communities by the fear of living in a giant mirror. Many cannot afford to move and why should we ? We love our homes, flora and fauna and I don’t want my lively hood destroyed due to the greed of others. Solar has its place but the need for food far outways it’s benefit to our area of Lincolnshire. Use brown field sites and roofs. Thankyou for your time