Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Gaynor Marise Collins

Date submitted
16 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is a rural area and the land should be used for agricultural purposes. The sheer volume of HGVs coming through the villages is another reason not to go ahead with this project - the village roads are not built for this volume and weight of traffic. If the project goes ahead it will have a severe impact on the value of our homes and their saleability. We have already seen neighbours sales fall through when the prospective buyers found out about the solar farms. Ultimately the project is being progressed purely out of greed and should not be allowed to go ahead. We will be surrounded by these unsightly solar farms if this project goes ahead. The land should be left for agricultural use. We have learned from the war in Russia that we need to have our own source of grain and to use the land for solar farms is far less important than feeding our families. Added to that is the fact that people in these villages live here because it is rural and quiet. None of us want the disruption of more HGV's trundling through our villages on roads which can barely cope with the current traffic. I am totally against this project.