Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Lynda Diane Martin

Date submitted
16 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very much aware of the destruction and devastation of the World as a whole. In my opinion these solar farms are more detrimental to the environment and not of sufficient benefit to mankind. The Cottam proposal will take over food producing farmland, food, which we cannot survive without. The war in Ukraine has exposed the weakness of buying food from overseas, this is unnecessary when we are able to produce our own food in this country. The road-network in and around Lincolnshire is not suitable, or adequate for the amount of heavy traffic required to build this structure, with only a few major "A" roads and bridges there will be constant build up of traffic. The devastation and pollution caused by the proposed build is not only detrimental to the landscape but, to industries and inhabitants of the villages/Town affected by this build. The area mapped out is known for its wildlife. We are fortunate to have Great Crested Newts, Hedgehogs, Buzzards, introduced to the area by the RSPB, and many other animals, flowers and trees many of which are being named as creatures, vegetation, the Government are looking at to be protected in their environment. This Country is rapidly losing the natural beauty given to us, by the greed of China wishing to off-load its unwanted solar panels into this Country. It is known that 10 wind turbines can produce the equivalent amount of energy as the proposed plan being put forward, not destroying the land that we need to produce our food. We need the oxygen put out by our trees in order to breathe, trees that maintain temperature. The existing trees and hedgerows, bridle paths and public right of ways will be destroyed, albeit, the Trent area is flood land which I am sure would not be suitable for access and maintaining the batteries. These batteries are time-bombs in themselves, It has been known for them to ignite, however they cannot be extinguished, whilst burning they emit cyanide out into the atmosphere and down into the soil on which they stand. If it should be considered necessary for the Solar energy to be used then they should be erected on brownfield sites, roofs or even on new build properties. I am totally against the inefficient build of the Solar Farms both from the destruction of our landscape and the affect on our own mental state of mind. Thank you for allowing me to comment.