Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Mrs Lauren Beth Hull

Date submitted
16 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This propsed project will have a huge impact on many villages and villagers' lives, not to mention the impact on the entire appearance, mood and wealth of the area. If this proposal goes ahead, many villagers will of course want to move away from the area, their reason for living there taken from them as they can no longer enjoy the peaceful beauty of the countryside surrounding them and go for walks/enjoy it for recreation, wildlife will leave as their natural habitat is taken away from them, and the area will become desolate, dark, foreboding with it's fields of 4.5m high solar panels. The beautiful views from the B1398 will be totally spoilt impacting a much wider area still than just where the panels and cables are located. Residential and commercial property values will plummet, Lincoln/Lincolnshire will become known as an 'ugly', infamous place to be and will be greatly affected by the loss in tourism and therefore local wealth. All of this for some solar energy, which in this country is really rather a flawed means of generating electricity. It's the dark, cold winter days and nights when we need the energy to keep us warm and the house lit up the most, and this is when solar panels are the least use at generating electricity. If solar panels do have to be used in this country why can't they be located right near to the Grid, to save all the unnecessary cabling across fields? Why aren't we focussing on other less disruptive means of generating electricity? Can more be done in terms of hydroelectric power? There are huge nuclear power stations such as Hinckley Point C already being built. Isn't this enough to cope with our energy demands for the forseeable future? It's seems to me that the company putting forward these proposals is only interested in the large profits it will generate for them, and nothing else. The fact the bulk of the components will be manufactured in China and the fact they are using labour from outside the area says a lot about them too. Will they treat these workers ethically or will they be exploited, just like they are trying to exploit the beautiful countryside of Lincolnshire and it's occupants, both villagers and wildlife?