Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Margaret Fields

Date submitted
16 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The scale of the proposed project along with the other proposed local projects soon to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate is immense. It's difficult for individuals to imagine the expanse of solar panels in our beautiful countryside. The Cottam project should not be considered in isolation of the other proposed schemes as it's the overall impact of all the schemes on humans, habitat, loss of food production etc. Overall it's a huge loss and a huge blot on the landscape. It's bringing large industry into a very rural landscape. The loss of productive agricultural land would be irresponsible given our need for food crops due to an increase in population. Currently all of the land included in the solar project (s) is in full productive use, as it has been for hundreds of years. We should not be decreasing food production as has been proven since the recent war in Ukraine. The ineffectiveness of the energy production compared to the significant cost to the Lincolnshire countryside is not worth the long-term damage that it will cause. A few greedy people benefitting from the devastation of the local environment. No responsible Government Body would enable this to occur on such a vast scale. Once the damage is done it will take several generations for it to be rectified - if ever. The solar companies have been very deceitful and sly in the way that they have operated thus far, and are likely to continue in this vein. They are working together and yet separately in order to divide and conquer. By submitting the applications in a drip feed manner is in itself an intention to deceive in my opinion. Underhanded tactics. The visual aspect of what will be c 10,000 acres in total can't be imagined. It would be the ruination of our local environment. The battery storage is of great concern. I understand from research that these are prone to igniting and cause serious toxic emissions and are difficult to extinguish. This is very concerning. No one has seen a proposal on this scale in the UK as yet. The nearest in size is in Pakistan in the middle of nowhere and even that isn't as big as the three current proposals. This should not be an experiment to benefit the few to the detriment of the many. People choose to live in a rural environment and NOT in an industrial area for very good reason so you should not allow industry to creep in by stealth under a different guise. We have some incredible wildlife in the local area including birds of prey, Skylarks, Woodpeckers and Jays. Also Bats, Deer, Hares, Badgers and Hedgehogs. What would happen to the habitat for these creatures? They won't survive in the meadowlands if it's covered by glass panels. However many environmental surveys they do to make it fit their needs, it will cause devastation for wildlife. It's not yet been explained what the impact will be on human health as there hasn't been any research on how the solar panels ( on this vast scale) may affect human health. The visual impact of these extremely ugly 4.5 m high panels is not something to look forward to. Their presence will ruin the lives of people having to live amongst them and possibly will devalue property prices. Solar panels if installed and managed properly can be beneficial in small areas but not on the scale of all three proposals. Whilst you are considering the Cottam proposal as a responsible Government Body you have to consider the impact of the overall proposals from the Gate Burton and Tillbridge Solar proposals also, otherwise it would be failing in your duty and irresponsible. There is a role for solar energy produced in this way but there are far better ways of providing this including all new- build properties and industrial brown field sites. Please don't allow our beautiful area to be blighted by these ugly and inefficient monstrosities. If you do then you should offer to purchase local residences at full market value and pay legal expenses to allow people to move away from what would be the unknown future impacts. Please don't allow these projects to go ahead. Put them in an appropriate environment but not in the middle of a beautiful, peaceful and rural landscape. People like to 'escape to the country' but unfortunately in this area it would no longer be an area to escape to and would become industrialised. The damage and devastation would be beyond repair but most importantly the quality of life for those of us choosing to live here would be changed negatively forever. Please take my comments into consideration during your decision making process. Thank you.