Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Ian W Gordon

Date submitted
16 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I write to you in objection to the Cottam Solar Project, the other 4 solar NSIPs in West Lindsey and indeed all proposed solar projects on UK farmland. After a career in the power industry I have a realistic view of electricity generation. The Cottam solar project with a footprint of around 3,000 acres for a maximum output of about 600mw(peak)is a hugely flawed proposal for a Northern Hemisphere, densely populated island like ours? By their very nature solar panels produce zero electricity for half their lives and only achieve their rated output for a few hours in the best summertime conditions around midday. Because of this the real output is only about 10% of the installed capacity at best, so the CSP would be on average generating just 60-70mw. This woeful electrical output is not providing energy security nor is it providing the power when we most need it. Scary batteries will do little to assist, apart from boost developer profits? The construction of solar farms may be a relatively low cost proposition, but I do not think covering all this important land in cheap chinese infrastructure for minimal energy gain could be anything but high cost in the long run? It is for this reason that I am vehemently against solar generation on farmland. This model of 3,000 acres to produce an average 60mw is an inefficient and reckless proposal to say the least. Our ever increasing population and the constant global food demand often affected by the changing climate, make it even more important to protect our finite food producing land. Solar panels should be mounted on roofs, we have enough warehouse roofing in the UK to realise the Government's solar ambition. We must protect our countryside and farmland and use it wisely. Thank you for listening. Ian W Gordon