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Representation by Nicholas Mapstone

Date submitted
16 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to object in the strongest possible terms to a number of solar project schemes proposed in my area. I would be directly affected by the scheme as one of the proposals is around my house on two sides, and the abomination would be right next to my boundary. This would lead to an intolerable loss of amenity as well as dramatically reducing the value of my house. The prospect is so appalling that it has had and continues to have an enormous impact upon my mental health. More generally, the visual impact on the Lincolnshire landscape would be appalling. Beautiful. peaceful countryside would be completely ruined for present and future generations. It is also insane to destroy valuable agricultural land, particularly at a time when the importance of making the country as agriculturally self-sufficient as possible has been so clearly demonstrated by the war in Ukraine. Everyone in the local community, with whom I have spoken; and indeed, the district Council, and many of the local parish councils are opposed to schemes of this nature. It would be an affront to local democracy and the people’s will if a central planning authority allows schemes such as this to proceed. I am quite sure that the developers in this proposal have no interest whatsoever in the environmental agenda, and are purely in search of profit at the expense of ordinary people.