Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Steven Rose

Date submitted
17 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I'm a farmer with a Farm next to the proposed solar farm. The land next to me contains good versatile agricultural land some of which is grade 2. The amount food producing land is frightening. In this area the next generation of farmers will be lost because there will be no land available for them to work on. This area as always been a good productive agricultural area, this will be lost for a generation. I support solar in the right place. On brown field land and grade 3b or worse land but not good productive land. I support clean generation of electricity but not at the expense of food producing land. If the solar farms are aloud to go ahead thousand of acres of productive land will be lost in a area that the main industry as always been lost. There will be no land available for the next generation of young farmers wanting a career in Agriculture. Food security going forward should be a priority . Solar projects should be built on brown field sites and abandoned land. If this project is allowed to go ahead I would consider it a criminal act. If this agricultural land is lost it will never produce food again for generations to come. I hope common sense will prevail and More suitable land will be found.