Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Maddie Wilkinson

Date submitted
17 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Cottam Solar Project will impact on my home, and family life daily. 1. The fields proposed will be sited right next to my house, and will be in constant sight from all windows at the front and back of the house. This is a potential 40 year eyesore that will remain - after all of the destruction, noise and pollution caused by the construction process. 2. The impact of the actual construction process will affect our ability to safely walk along Ingham Road, the road width and transport infrastructure is not sufficient to cope with the weight or the volume of the traffic. Ingham Road especially has already seen many vehicle accidents as it is so narrow and is not suitable for the volume or weight of the traffic outlined in the proposals. 3. The environmental impact on the area will be significant. There are nesting owls and bats, deer as well as newts and frogs which will all be impacted on the construction process and are unlikely to recover after this time. There are pairs of nesting Swans that daily commute between the river till and the surround fields. This option will be destroyed should this go ahead. The environmental impact from the reports commissioned by Island green power do not address any of these points and minimise the actual numbers and species diversity already at home in this area. 4. Many of the homes in the local area are very old cottages, and therefore do not have foundations, being build straight onto clay ground. Who will be responsible for the damage that will occur from the daily vibrations of all this traffic? So far Island Green Power have not responded to this question and have failed to provide information on ANY structural survey report, including that of the local Churches which will be impacted by the volume and proposed weight of the construction traffic. 5. This is a significant heritage area. Archaeological digs have found a variety of items of historic value and are the source of education for many local schools and families. The construction process will destroy much of the common walking areas that these have been found on and mean that they are not accessible for years to come. 6. Ingham Road is a designated Safe walking route for School children, as stated by Lincolnshire County Council, however once construction traffic starts to use this - even if it is the construction workers themselves in their own cars, will be a major hazard and mean the road is unsafe for children to walk. There are no footpaths or street lighting or verges that can be used. 7. Island Green Power have failed each time to respond to questions on how they will ensure it is safe to walk, run and ride horses in the local area while this construction is taking place. As mentioned above, narrow roads, pedestrians and animals have not fared well when traffic increases and no one has stated how this issue will be dealt with, managed. Who will have the liability for this in the event of an incident and when this is an issue that was raised at the beginning of this consultation?