Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Richard Green

Date submitted
18 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

the company Green island solar have failed to address any concern about the location of the panels with regards to the property i live in such as the visual impact. the flood risks involved and disruption of valuable agricultural growing land. The interferance to the electromagnetic spectrum by rubbish inverters they seem hell bent on using figures based on output in kwh during June only not the faxts that the solar arrays are almost useless in wintermonths.The traffics censuses were carried out in the middle if a covid lockdown. the im port of panels outweigh any xo2 savings and leave other countries with piles of hazardous waste as the main part of a panel to te recycled is glass and aluminium frame the rest is highly toxic waste. the project should be stopped as soon as possible ar we will just be importing food andproviding little or no benefit to lincolnshire agriculture