Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Jack Skelton

Date submitted
18 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the Cottam solar project. Farmland is for feeding the nation not for the latest energy fad, which seems to be ground mounted solar panels. These land hungry schemes have no place on this small island. Power generation it is surely not "one size fits all". There is no doubt that roof tops are a far better location, let the businesses that occupy these buildings use the power generated by the panels a therefore reduce the demand on the Grid? 4 giant solar farm proposals in one area is totally unreasonable, the solar panels themselves are not even low level.. which the solar industry states would be used in rural settings, it all seems rather unregulated. Thousands of acres of farmland lost for a very modest amount of intermittent electricity.. Is this striking the right balance between Food, Energy, Landscape and the Community? Is this a legitimate trade off? Is there a "memorandum of understanding" driving this dash for solar? Please see these proposals for what they are.. In my opinion the start of a very flawed dash for solar farms in this country.