Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Catherine Payne

Date submitted
18 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the Cottam Solar project on the following grounds. Cumulative effect of not 1 but 4 Solar NSIPs (10,000 acres) in West Lindsey with only a few miles between solar array stations. This would be a landscape and land use change of a magnitude never seen before in this country. Imposing solar panels would be impossible to mitigate in an open farmland setting. Distance from the Grid connection to solar proposals of up to 20 km is excessive, causing further unnecessary destruction of eco systems. There is farmland closer to the Grid, if farmland must be used. Our distinctive landscape and cliff road providing scenic views over Lincolnshire would be dominated by the Cottam solar proposal and indeed most of the other 3 proposals. Combine this with the dangerous glare from the sun, this already quite hazardous road would become a death trap! The land chosen is highly visible from the B1398 and is part of important and much loved views. Communities would quickly loose their spirit and pride if their surroundings were to become a sea of hideous mechanical solar panels and all the other industrial paraphanalia that goes with it. These plans would totally overwhelm the countryside, our agricultural heritage and peoples lives.