Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Samantha Brown

Date submitted
21 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

[REDACTED] Nature is paramount and humans are very aware that without it the whole universe would collapse.We are also very aware that the science behind the nature is real.The main issues and impacts of destroying birds and animals would be wiping out beautiful landscapes and more so destroying life for all including humans.It really isn’t that difficult to understand and we all now there really could be other areas to use that don’t cause serious problems.Having grown up in a village was a treat and as an adult now it should stay that way. … I’m submitting some further comments regarding this proposal project.It really doesn’t make any sense at all.The solar industrialisation company will only destroy farming areas,spectacular countryside and wildlife !! There are other options available instead! For over a year I’ve learned so much,working with the Conservation group and so have become extremely aware how we must continue to treat with care.Most humans want to protect beautiful nature it’s so important! It’s precious and rewarding to take care of nature “everywhere”I live in Lincoln now a city and look after the woods at the back of my garden. My sister and I grew up in the village of Glentworth and as an adult now I can appreciate of having grown up in a beautiful place.Leave it as it is please..Surely the whole world is supposedly helping the earth not devastation.