Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Samuel Rawding

Date submitted
21 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Please do not allow this project to happen. I live in the immediate area, my family used to farm the land that some of this massive development is being proposed to be built on. I walk my 2 year old daughter down the lanes where this construction is being proposed. It is a wonderful place to live and should remain that way. We are Lincolnshire born and bread and Lincolnshire is a farming county. That is what this farmland should remain as, not as a huge industrial project that would be better suited to the side of a motorway or built into new housing legislation so each new houses had to have them on their roofs. Please do not allow this to happen. This area is paradise for anyone who is fortunate enough to live within and around it. Please do not allow this type of heavy industry and construction ruin that for the next 40 years. I beg of you. My main issue is the massive loss of agricultural land. The Cottam Solar proposal, would dominate 3,000 acres of agricultural farm land, there are also future proposals for more linking solar fames which would take a further 7,000 acres. 10,000 acres in total, of beautiful historical farmland lost and industrialised. At over 4 meters these are also not discreet and being on such a scale would be a hideous eyesore for Lincolnshire. Are there not more appropriate brown field sites for this type of project? Or to be proposed on the roofs of all new build homes? rather than taking away our surrounding farmland. I also do not feel the type of renewable energy being explored is correct, are wind farms not more efficient and less invasive? And how efficient are solar panels when they come to the end of there life span? Do they then go to landfill? As they cannot be recycled. These solar farms, if they go ahead will be located 500 meters from my house and would dominate the landscape, together with a 4 year construction process, in our quiet surrounding area, i have a 2 year old daughter, and i dream of her growing up in this peaceful paradise, please do not allow big corporation money and an inappropriate location for this project take this away from her. Thank you.