Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Susan West

Date submitted
21 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I cannot think of one benefit to myself,the village in which I live or surrounding villages with this project. It impacts in so many ways,all negative,it’s not going to serve my community. We are a farming county so how can it be justified to use this land for a non-farming project. Why construct BESS near our village with all it’s potential hazards.It’s twelve miles from the Grid causing more upheaval to the land to connect the cables. It doesn’t make sense. Do the batteries cause noise pollution.? There must be non-arable sites nearer to the Grid which are more suitable for the project. Another concern is the increase of traffic ,much of which will be heavy,in order to construct the site. We do not have a bypass.The increase in the amount of traffic will also mean raised levels of noise and air pollution. Hardly conducive to a village with a high elderly population. What about the impact on both fauna and flora. What about the visual impact to our wonderful surrounding countryside ...You can’t dress up an eyesore. If this project goes ahead and one day it becomes defunct,what reassurances will we have that the land will be returned to its natural state and all project materials will be removed.