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Representation by cheryl felix

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am vehemently opposed to the desecration of thousands of acres of countryside, much on prime arable land, for a project such as the installation of thousands of inefficient solar panels. Our countryside is disappearing at the rate of knots already, what with housing going up that first time buyers will never be able to access - these developments simply feed the pockets of the developers and councils, and satisfy the wishes of those who simply want to move as they 'fancy a change'. This is not a proper consultation. If you listened to the people affected, you would not have got this far and the project would have been consigned to the bin, where it deserves to be. Our electricity bills will NOT come down if these things are built. I did not move to a semi-rural area to be surrounded by a vast solar 'farm'. The day will come when we will sincerely regret the wholesale loss of arable land, as we strive to become independent of foreign grain. This is an unacceptable incursion on the quality of life of people in the affected areas, by people who don't even live here. This proposal, as you will see, is hotly opposed. Leave our countryside alone!