Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Simon Breeze

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

.The proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe and would amount to 10,000 acres in total. At present all 4 proposals will be examined independently do you think this is reasonable or should they be assessed altogether? 2. The Cottam Solar proposal, at over 3,000 acres, combined with the other 3 proposals have a cumulative effect of 10,000 acres of farmland lost and the industrialisation of the area as a whole. Do you think we can continue to lose food producing land at this rate? Do you think putting solar panels on farmland is the best place for them? Do you think jobs and skills within agriculture will be affected? 3. There will be 3,000 acres of unprecedented 4.5m high mechanised solar panels. Would this area of land covered by such structures blend into the landscape or dominate it? 4. The proposal would be highly visible from areas such as the B1398 "Lincoln cliff road." This is designated as an Area of Great Landscape Value (AGLV). Would the views, walks and enjoyment of the countryside be affected by this solar proposal? 5. One of the world's largest Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) near Willingham by Stow is a potential fire and chemical risk to life and property. Is it acceptable to locate this kind of infrastructure close to residential areas and other property? Or is it better to locate this apparatus close to the Grid connection on a brownfield site? 6. Up to a distance of 12 miles (20km) from the Grid connection, on 10 separate parcels of land is excessive and further ecological disruption would be caused by the unnecessary civil works involved in the cable connections. Do all these separate parcels of land and the distance from the Grid show that the land has not been selected on suitability or merit but purely on availability? Is the scheme well planned and does it really consider the environment and wildlife? 7. There would be a 4 year construction period when combined with the other 3 projects on a building site of 10,000 acres. Do you think your mental health and well-being has been taken into consideration by these vast proposals in the countryside? Will natural habitats and wildlife be effected? 8. Were important factors such as brownfield site use, panel height and glare, battery storage, generation capabilities and flood risk, sincerely and accurately communicated, or are you only getting to know the true details now? Therefore, do you believe the developer Island Green Power engaged fully and in good faith? 9.The role solar can play is limited because it provides power intermittently and least power when we need it most – e.g. winter evenings. The proposed developments are an inefficient use of land, for their contribution to the energy mix. Do you think it would be more effective to install solar panels on commercial and domestic roofs, where it will directly reduce bills instead of using farmland? 10. The solar farm apparatus is likely to be manufactured abroad (China) and the construction labour sourced from outside the area. Do you think this is an ethically sound proposal? Will the human rights of these overseas workers be respected?