Back to list Cottam Solar Project

Representation by Philip Taylor

Date submitted
27 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have objections to the proposed development for the following reasons. This is one of 4 applications either due to be made or already at the planning approvals phase. All four proposals need to be assessed as a single project due to the vast change the schemes will have over an excessively large area. The affect on the rural countryside and the people who live there will be immense. The overall impact of the four schemes will consume approximately 10,000 acres, 3000 acres for the Cottom Solar development. This is all prime agricultural land, and its loss cannot be replaced. As much as we all need electricity there is a greater need for food security. Too much food is already imported, and we need to be as near self sufficient as possible so global impacts have less of an effect on our ability to feed our nation. The farmland taken up will have a huge impact on the lives of the resident farmers, some of which have been farming for several generations. To break up the farms will leave some unviable and they will be forced out of business. The overall schemes are spread out a long way from the Power Station grid connection point with miles of cable required. It does beg the question why so far away? Is it because the land is cheaper to obtain by taking advantage of Tennent Farmers. Schemes of this magnitude should only be permitted on very low yielding ground and on industrial estates on the many roofs of all the industrial buildings. Not on prime agricultural land. The impact of this and the other schemes will be visually obtrusive, the shear size and number of the panels will be visible from many locations. The B1398 Lincoln Cliff Road is a prime example. The views across the region will be lost and the whole area become unattractive to visitors and new residents. Property values and any sense of pride for the affected areas will be lost. There will be no desire to walk and enjoy our countryside. The impact on residents from being industrialised will have a negative affect on mental health and wellbeing. The many fences and no-go areas that will inevitably come with the panels and associated operating plant / Battery Storage etc will shut off large areas, also affecting our local wildlife, much of which will be displaced. The construction impact is also another factor. There will be many years of disruption with a huge carbon impact during the build. The panels shield land and concentrate run off water into channels which could lead to flooding. Land around panels is of little use for anything. The grazing of sheep will keep the vegetation under control but do we really need more sheep. The value of mutton and wool is minimal compared to our need for agricultural crops. Regards P Taylor